I've been looking for a cheap NAS to dump files on that everyone on my network can access and backup to. I have a 2TB external drive I plan to use as a backup to the NAS. Looking for something with 2 bays and plan to throw in 2 2TB drives in raid 1.
Heres what I've got:
Linksys WRT54g
3 Laptops
Heres what I'm looking at:
D-LINK DNS-323 ~$130
Netgear RND2000 ~$200
Synology DS211J ~$222
QNAP TS-212 ~$271
Synology DS211 ~$340
QNAP TS-219P+ ~$377
I've been looking at just building one myself but I don't think it would be cheaper than the options listed above.
Also thinking of just grabbing a Netgear WNDR3700 and using the external drive as a NAS. I know it isn't the greatest solution but maybe it will do?
Heres what I've got:
Linksys WRT54g
3 Laptops
Heres what I'm looking at:
D-LINK DNS-323 ~$130
Netgear RND2000 ~$200
Synology DS211J ~$222
QNAP TS-212 ~$271
Synology DS211 ~$340
QNAP TS-219P+ ~$377
I've been looking at just building one myself but I don't think it would be cheaper than the options listed above.
Also thinking of just grabbing a Netgear WNDR3700 and using the external drive as a NAS. I know it isn't the greatest solution but maybe it will do?