New Around Here
Hi Guys,
I currently run AsusWrt but might change to Asus Merlin eventually it's not a problem.
I would like my router to invoke some CURL http://someUrl when a device having MAC ADDR 00:322:323232:32 is connected to the network.
Currently I could do some workaround (I simply try to reach the device each minutes and if available then.. ok it's there. But I would like to have it fully reactive. And who better than the router itself knows better when the device is connected to the network ?
Do you think it is possible via a custom script to achieve such behavior ?
Any help is welcome. Also do you think this require to move to merlin or the normal AsusWrt could handle that ?
I currently run AsusWrt but might change to Asus Merlin eventually it's not a problem.
I would like my router to invoke some CURL http://someUrl when a device having MAC ADDR 00:322:323232:32 is connected to the network.
Currently I could do some workaround (I simply try to reach the device each minutes and if available then.. ok it's there. But I would like to have it fully reactive. And who better than the router itself knows better when the device is connected to the network ?

Any help is welcome. Also do you think this require to move to merlin or the normal AsusWrt could handle that ?