Senior Member
I'm in the process of trying to build an Entware python3-onionbalance package. The process is a little more complicated with no existing OpenWRT Makefile, built using Python3, and missing Entware Python3 Dependencies. I've started by modifying a basic, existing OpenWRT Makefile (i.e., python3-bottle) and have been able to get it to build with readily available and newly built dependencies. It's coming along better than first expected.
[NOTE: I am attempting to use an SRPM python-onionbalance.spec file as a loose guide to create the Entware Makefile.]
The following onionbalance dependencies with their appropriate OpenWRT/Entware package names:
python3-setuptools (AVAILABLE IN ENTWARE REPO)
python3-stem >=1.8 (BUILD FROM OPENWRT REPO)
python3-pyyaml >=4.2b1 is python3-yaml (AVAILABLE IN ENTWARE REPO)
python3-cryptography >=3.2 (AVAILABLE IN ENTWARE REPO)
python3-pycryptodomex is python3-cryptodomex (BUILD FROM OPENWRT REPO)
python3-future >=0.14.3 is python3-future (CREATE)
python3-setproctitle >=1.1.9 (AVAILABLE IN ENTWARE REPO)
I'm in the process of trying to build an Entware python3-onionbalance package. The process is a little more complicated with no existing OpenWRT Makefile, built using Python3, and missing Entware Python3 Dependencies. I've started by modifying a basic, existing OpenWRT Makefile (i.e., python3-bottle) and have been able to get it to build with readily available and newly built dependencies. It's coming along better than first expected.
[NOTE: I am attempting to use an SRPM python-onionbalance.spec file as a loose guide to create the Entware Makefile.]
The following onionbalance dependencies with their appropriate OpenWRT/Entware package names:
python3-setuptools (AVAILABLE IN ENTWARE REPO)
python3-stem >=1.8 (BUILD FROM OPENWRT REPO)
python3-pyyaml >=4.2b1 is python3-yaml (AVAILABLE IN ENTWARE REPO)
python3-cryptography >=3.2 (AVAILABLE IN ENTWARE REPO)
python3-pycryptodomex is python3-cryptodomex (BUILD FROM OPENWRT REPO)
python3-future >=0.14.3 is python3-future (CREATE)
python3-setproctitle >=1.1.9 (AVAILABLE IN ENTWARE REPO)
# opkg install python3-setuptools
Installing python3-setuptools (49.2.1-1) to root...
Installing python3-pkg-resources (49.2.1-1) to root...
Configuring python3-pkg-resources.
Configuring python3-setuptools.
# opkg install ./python3-stem_1.8.0-2_armv7-2.6.ipk
Installing python3-stem (1.8.0-2) to root...
Configuring python3-stem.
# opkg install python3-yaml
Installing python3-yaml (5.3.1-2) to root...
Installing libyaml (0.2.5-1) to root...
Configuring libyaml.
Configuring python3-yaml.
# opkg install python3-cryptography
Installing python3-cryptography (3.3.2-1) to root...
Installing python3-ply (3.11-2) to root...
Installing python3-pycparser (2.20-5) to root...
Installing python3-cffi (1.14.5-1) to root...
Installing python3-six (1.15.0-1) to root...
Configuring python3-ply.
Configuring python3-pycparser.
Configuring python3-cffi.
Configuring python3-six.
Configuring python3-cryptography.
# opkg install ./python3-cryptodomex_3.9.7-2_armv7-2.6.ipk
Installing python3-cryptodomex (3.9.7-2) to root...
Installing libgmp (6.2.1-1a) to root...
Configuring libgmp.
Configuring python3-cryptodomex.
# opkg install ./python3-future_0.18.2-1_armv7-2.6.ipk
Installing python3-future (0.18.2-1) to root...
Configuring python3-future.
# opkg install python3-setproctitle
Installing python3-setproctitle (1.2.2-1) to root...
Configuring python3-setproctitle.
# opkg install ./python3-onionbalance_0.2.1-1_armv7-2.6.ipk
Installing python3-onionbalance (0.2.1-1) to root...
Installing python3-base (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing libffi (3.3-2) to root...
Installing libbz2 (1.0.8-1) to root...
Installing python3-light (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-unittest (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-ncurses (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-ctypes (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-pydoc (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-logging (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-decimal (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-multiprocessing (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-codecs (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing libgdbm (1.19-1) to root...
Installing python3-gdbm (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing libsqlite3 (3330000-2) to root...
Installing python3-sqlite3 (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-email (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-urllib (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing libexpat (2.2.10-1) to root...
Installing python3-xml (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-distutils (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-openssl (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-cgi (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-cgitb (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing libdb47 ( to root...
Installing python3-dbm (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing liblzma (5.2.5-3) to root...
Installing python3-lzma (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3-asyncio (3.9.4-1) to root...
Installing python3 (3.9.4-1) to root...
Configuring python3-base.
Configuring libffi.
Configuring libbz2.
Configuring python3-light.
Configuring python3-email.
Configuring python3-urllib.
Configuring python3-pydoc.
Configuring liblzma.
Configuring python3-unittest.
Configuring python3-ncurses.
Configuring python3-ctypes.
Configuring python3-logging.
Configuring python3-decimal.
Configuring python3-multiprocessing.
Configuring python3-codecs.
Configuring libgdbm.
Configuring python3-gdbm.
Configuring libsqlite3.
Configuring python3-sqlite3.
Configuring libexpat.
Configuring python3-xml.
Configuring python3-distutils.
Configuring python3-openssl.
Configuring python3-cgi.
Configuring python3-cgitb.
Configuring libdb47.
Configuring python3-dbm.
Configuring python3-lzma.
Configuring python3-asyncio.
Configuring python3.
Configuring python3-onionbalance.
# opkg list-installed|grep -i onion
python3-onionbalance - 0.2.1-1
# opkg files python3-onionbalance
Package python3-onionbalance (0.2.1-1) is installed on root and has the following files:
# opkg info python3-onionbalance
Package: python3-onionbalance
Version: 0.2.1-1
Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, python3, python3-setuptools, python3-stem, python3-yaml, python3-cryptography, python3-cryptodomex, python3-future, python3-setproctitle, tor
Status: install user installed
Architecture: armv7-2.6
Installed-Time: 1624697206
# /opt/bin/onionbalance
2021-06-26 08:48:33,860 [WARNING]: Initializing onionbalance (version: 0.2.1)...
2021-06-26 08:48:33,949 [ERROR]: The specified config file '~/config.yaml' does not exist. The onionbalance-config tool can generate the required keys and config files.
# opkg remove python3-onionbalance python3-future python3-cryptodomex libgmp python3-cryptography python3-six python3-cffi python3-yaml libyaml python3-stem python3-setuptools python3-pkg-resources python3-setproctitle python3 python3-decimal python3-lzma python3-asyncio python3-codecs python3-dbm libdb47 python3-cgitb python3-cgi python3-openssl python3-distutils python3-xml libexpat python3-sqlite3 libsqlite3 python3-gdbm libgdbm python3-readline python3-multiprocessing python3-logging python3-ctypes python3-ncurses python3-unittest liblzma python3-pydoc python3-urllib python3-email python3-pycparser python3-ply python3-light libbz2 libffi python3-base libpython3
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