New Around Here
I have hit myself to the head already by not being able to figure this out.
I'll be using the documentation prefix for the example as I'll not disclose the real information for obious reasons.
What am I doing wrong? What should I do differently?
I have Entware installed onto a USB stick attached to the router and isc-dhcp-server installed.
I'm trying to achieve a IPv6 sub-network for Hyper-V VM's and I have only been given one /64.
I'll be using the documentation prefix for the example as I'll not disclose the real information for obious reasons.
What am I doing wrong? What should I do differently?
I have Entware installed onto a USB stick attached to the router and isc-dhcp-server installed.
I'm trying to achieve a IPv6 sub-network for Hyper-V VM's and I have only been given one /64.
# dhcpd6.conf
default-lease-time 3600;
max-lease-time 86400;
# Enable RFC 5007 support
#allow leasequery;
# Global definitions for name server address(es) and domain search list
option fe80::f279:59ff:fed4:9c70;
option dhcp6.domain-search "";
# Set preference to 255 (maximum) in order to avoid waiting for
# additional servers when there is only one
#option dhcp6.preference 255;
# Server side command to enable rapid-commit (2 packet exchange)
#option dhcp6.rapid-commit;
# The delay before information-request refresh
# (minimum is 10 minutes, maximum one day, default is to not refresh)
# (set to 6 hours)
#option 3600;
class "hyperV" {
match if substring (hardware, 1, 4) = 00:15:5D:02;
subnet6 2001:db8:2:802b::/64 {
pool6 {
range6 2001:db8:2:802b:8000::/65;
allow members of "hyperV";
# Use the whole /64 prefix for clients
range6 2001:db8:2:802b:: /64;
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