Hello everyone, new member here. I've been messing with this Merlin firmware for few days, now I started looking at the running services that bind to some port (confirmed with an nmap scan).
Since busybox's netstat doesn't seem to have the -p option i installed entware and then lsof to see the actual processes.
I managed to disable the printing service (since I don't use it) but I still have some processes for which I don't know the reason to be on:
wanduck: managing the wan inferface, ok but even if i disable browser redirection it's still bound to tcp/18017 and udp/18018
ots: setup for wireless access point, tcp/9998
cfg_server: port tcp/7788 and udp/7788, unknown?
eapd: udp ports 38000, 42000, 43000, 59000, used for some enterprise wifi authentication?
infosvr: udp/9999, used for router discovery?
Lastly there is syslogd which binds to a random udp port, at first I thought about the feature that sends logs to a remote server, but in this case syslogd would act as a client.
Note: even if those processes bind to, they are not open on the WAN side but I don't see the point on having them listening on the LAN anyways.
Should I disable them via jffs script or just firewall them with iptables (ex. below)?
Since busybox's netstat doesn't seem to have the -p option i installed entware and then lsof to see the actual processes.
I managed to disable the printing service (since I don't use it) but I still have some processes for which I don't know the reason to be on:
wanduck: managing the wan inferface, ok but even if i disable browser redirection it's still bound to tcp/18017 and udp/18018
ots: setup for wireless access point, tcp/9998
cfg_server: port tcp/7788 and udp/7788, unknown?
eapd: udp ports 38000, 42000, 43000, 59000, used for some enterprise wifi authentication?
infosvr: udp/9999, used for router discovery?
Lastly there is syslogd which binds to a random udp port, at first I thought about the feature that sends logs to a remote server, but in this case syslogd would act as a client.
Note: even if those processes bind to, they are not open on the WAN side but I don't see the point on having them listening on the LAN anyways.
Should I disable them via jffs script or just firewall them with iptables (ex. below)?
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -i br0 -m multiport --dports 7788,9998,18017 -j REJECT
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