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amtm Disk check script not work on merlin384.0

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After installing "USB disk check at boot" and activating it for the USB partition, upon restarting the router, the USB drive was successfully mounted automatically. However, due to some peculiar reason, I formatted the USB drive. When I attempted to reinstall "USB disk check at boot," it had transformed into 'Disk check script.' Even though the activation status showed "The following exclusions are active:"

/dev/sda1 mounted as /tmp/mnt/sda1 UUID="578285f8-a29a-6447-afa3-97f07c805381"
/dev/sda2 mounted as /tmp/mnt/SD
/tmp/mnt/sda2 UUID="0B76071D0B76071D"", after the router was rebooted, the USB drive no longer mounted automatically.

It may help others if you provide a bit more information.
What specific router model do you have?
What specific firmware is the router running?
What is the USB drive model or type being used (if enclosure, what enclosure model, what hard drive type)?
How many USB drives are (or will be) attached to the router?
Is a USB hub being used?
How is the USB drive partitioned and formatted (NTFS, FAT32, EXT4, etc)?
It may help others if you provide a bit more information.
What specific router model do you have?
What specific firmware is the router running?
What is the USB drive model or type being used (if enclosure, what enclosure model, what hard drive type)?
How many USB drives are (or will be) attached to the router?
Is a USB hub being used?
How is the USB drive partitioned and formatted (NTFS, FAT32, EXT4, etc)?
AX6000,merlin388.4,ext3 and ntfs,only one usb3.0,
AX6000,merlin388.4,ext3 and ntfs,only one usb3.0,
To confirm you have a single USB drive attached that is partitioned with two partitions, with one partition formatted for EXT3 and the other for NTFS?

And did you use AMTM for format the USB hard drive? Or did you use a computer or other device to format the USB hard drive? If you didn't use AMTM to format the drive, try using AMTM instead to setup, partition, format the USB hard drive.

Generally once you activate/install the Disk Check script it present until you uninstall it via AMTM (or do a router reset). You can select option 3 in the Disk Check menu to edit and I assume remove any drive/partition exclusions. Have you done so?
To confirm you have a single USB drive attached that is partitioned with two partitions, with one partition formatted for EXT3 and the other for NTFS?

And did you use AMTM for format the USB hard drive? Or did you use a computer or other device to format the USB hard drive? If you didn't use AMTM to format the drive, try using AMTM instead to setup, partition, format the USB hard drive.

Generally once you activate/install the Disk Check script it present until you uninstall it via AMTM (or do a router reset). You can select option 3 in the Disk Check menu to edit and I assume remove any drive/partition exclusions. Have you done so?
To confirm you have a single USB drive attached that is partitioned with two partitions, with one partition formatted for EXT3 and the other for NTFS?

And did you use AMTM for format the USB hard drive? Or did you use a computer or other device to format the USB hard drive? If you didn't use AMTM to format the drive, try using AMTM instead to setup, partition, format the USB hard drive.

Generally once you activate/install the Disk Check script it present until you uninstall it via AMTM (or do a router reset). You can select option 3 in the Disk Check menu to edit and I assume remove any drive/partition exclusions. Have you done so?
new usb ”/dev/sda mounted as /tmp/mnt/SD UUID="0F5515874BB039D1",working now , thx !

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