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Diversion Diversion install is getting the best of me

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Senior Member

I am dead in the water, and this is driving me nuts.

Asus AC3100, right from default settings. is the IP of the router. DNS1 is set to the same. No ads are blocked after clearing the browser cache (Opera and Edge). I am testing on:


nslookup says my Windows DNS is

An online DNS server check says my DNS is
AMANAHA-NEW - Amanah Tech Inc.

thank you
Use the f option in Diversion and then browse some websites in your browser. If nothing is blocked then the browser or OS redirects queries to an upstream server instead of the routers Dnsmasq.
Do not populate 'DNS Server 1' or 'DNS Server 2' unless you know what your're doing.
Try this: Enable DNS director in the LAN section and set 'Global Redirection' to Router.
Use the f option in Diversion and then browse some websites in your browser. If nothing is blocked then the browser or OS redirects queries to an upstream server instead of the routers Dnsmasq.
Do not populate 'DNS Server 1' or 'DNS Server 2' unless you know what your're doing.
Try this: Enable DNS director in the LAN section and set 'Global Redirection' to Router.

I appreciate the reply.

So, did it work? Sort of. The counter started ticking up (which is a good sign), however, no ads were blocked. The counter stopped moving, and after a router reboot, the counter went up upon refresh before trying another page.

I dug through Windows network and Edge and Opera DNS settings, and nothing seems out of place. Does it mean anything that the Duck Duck Go browser blocks ads?

On a stack of Bibles TLC, I swear I am sober.

I am haunted or have terrible karma from a misspent youth.

On a stack of Bibles TLC, I swear I am sober.
No swearing on this board please ;)

Does it mean anything that the Duck Duck Go browser blocks ads?
If you are the click yes type during DDG browser installation then the queries are 100% going to their servers and not the routers Dnsmasq.
Their settings do not reflect what you were asked during setup so retrieving consent to use their servers seems not possible.
Maybe get a stiff drink and consider your choices. I give you absolution for whatever happens next - pun intended.
Well, after resetting the router again, just in case I had changed some settings and forgot about it, I reinstalled everything. No luck. THEN, re-thinking what you said about bypassing the router, I thought about the AVAST firewall. That was it! Turn off support for encrypted DNS and I'm working! That was on by default. Buggers meant well I guess.

It was either the firewall or when I sacrificed my old teddy bear to the witches coven next door, it broke the spell on the router.

Now it does not block every single ad on every single page on every single site - I'm sure you can work on that for me!

TLC, all I can offer is my sincere thanks for your assistance.

And after the Steve Earle concert tonight, I may have that drink!
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Holy cripes. Nice company. I just renewed, and it was rather expensive; however, I may look around for another AV/firewall solution. Suggestions?

What is it with these guys??

I'd go just to hear Copperhead Road live. What an all-time great song.

He is on a solo tour and he blew me away earlier this year. I did not think a few songs of his would translate well to solo, but he pulled it off. I met him outside the hall just on the way in. He was walking from the hotel with his backpack slung over one shoulder. A decent, down-to-earth guy.

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