I'm using ExpressVPN on Linux. The Linux box is my router. I have a few related questions:
1. Is it more private to use ExpressVPN's DNS servers or to use well-known privacy-friendly servers?
2. Is this page still reliable? Alternative DNS - WikiLeaks
3. Cloudflare ( gets good reviews in some places and negative reviews in others. It's not on the above list. But it is consistently the fastest for me other than Google ( which I choose not to use. Any thoughts on Cloudflare in terms of privacy?
4. Now the harder question: how can I configure dnsmasq on Linux so that it will use ExpressVPN's DNS servers when I'm connected to ExpressVPN? ExpressVPN will not provide information on their DNS server addresses or names, so my config will need to get these servers automatically once I connect to the VPN. I'm not sure how to do any of that.
Currently, I simply set the nameserver directly
I use netctl and I have a static WAN configuration. When the netctl profile becomes active, it calls a simple script that starts the VPN tunnel.
1. Is it more private to use ExpressVPN's DNS servers or to use well-known privacy-friendly servers?
2. Is this page still reliable? Alternative DNS - WikiLeaks
3. Cloudflare ( gets good reviews in some places and negative reviews in others. It's not on the above list. But it is consistently the fastest for me other than Google ( which I choose not to use. Any thoughts on Cloudflare in terms of privacy?
4. Now the harder question: how can I configure dnsmasq on Linux so that it will use ExpressVPN's DNS servers when I'm connected to ExpressVPN? ExpressVPN will not provide information on their DNS server addresses or names, so my config will need to get these servers automatically once I connect to the VPN. I'm not sure how to do any of that.
Currently, I simply set the nameserver directly
and <myfile.name> contains lines like this:
I use netctl and I have a static WAN configuration. When the netctl profile becomes active, it calls a simple script that starts the VPN tunnel.