Yes. 3 webcams and a sensor suite on a separate guest network SSID. Technically I guess they are servers, not clients, but they have static addresses. Is this a problem?
IPv4: No, dynamic from the ISP. IPv6: yes, static via HE Tunnelbroker.
Tried "connect to DNS server automatically" and tried setting DNS to (the router IP)
Was originally "Yes" with no DNS specified. Tried Yes and NO, specifying
I'm away until Monday, so screen shots and further experimentation will have to wait for another day. I don't have VPS though, just the IPv6 "6 in 4" tunnel. No IPv6 DNS specified. Router advertisement is enabled. The tunnel endpoint is updated automatically via scripting in jffs/scripts/wan-start. Oddly, it doesn't need DNS as the script points directly at tunnelbroker's IP. FWIW, here is the script:
#Tunnel endpoint update
echo "HE IPv6 Script started" >> $STARTUP_SCRIPT_LOG_FILE
#get a hash of the plaintext password
MD5PASSWD=`echo -n $PASSWD | md5sum | sed -e 's/ -//g'`
echo "configuring tunnel" >> $STARTUP_SCRIPT_LOG_FILE
#update HE endpoint
#need to allow wan ping or HE will not validate new endpoint
iptables -I INPUT 2 -s $HE_VERIFY_SERVER_IP -p icmp -j ACCEPT
wget -q "$MD5PASSWD&apikey=$USERID&tid=$TUNNELID" -O $TEMPFILE
(the variables were defined at the top of wan-start. eg: $HE_VERIFY_SERVER_IP is set to their IP address)