If I fail to logon to the router's interface (RT-N66U / and in several prev. versions), it shows the page saying that "the settings have changed". (It's certainly not a critical issue.)
Also, is there any chance that Merlin would address the issue I described a while ago here ? I remember I saw a post from another user who experienced the same, so I'm probably not alone. And right now I just tried to archive several folders into a rar file on the USB drive on the router, seen as samba share from Windows, and the router rebooted itself in no more than 1 minute. Certainly looks like something gets overflowed somewhere.
Also, is there any chance that Merlin would address the issue I described a while ago here ? I remember I saw a post from another user who experienced the same, so I'm probably not alone. And right now I just tried to archive several folders into a rar file on the USB drive on the router, seen as samba share from Windows, and the router rebooted itself in no more than 1 minute. Certainly looks like something gets overflowed somewhere.