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Fichier Settings_RT-AC68U.CFG / mot de passe Cassé

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A first configuration I create a password and a username with keepass (Password manager)
I do my configuration of the router Asus RT AC68U.
I save my configuration (Settings_RT-AC68U.CFG).
I let it run for a few weeks, it's great! I go back to configure ..
Several weeks pass,I want to go back ..

So I use the file of "Settings_RT-AC68U.CFG" and the drama !!!! "* Invalid username or password"

It is impossible with the password manager .. 2 times this happens to me. Are there any chances that the config file (Settings_RT-AC68U.CFG) breaks the password?

My configuration file: https://mega.nz/file/98oR3B4I#CKDlH2huSWsBEuti_xGLoJ8_WeMx2xztQyOFqwZwoKQ
Adresse Routeur local:
Username: DominArsen
Password: ayVUbh6nvslvPyY
Version RT AC68U: 384.16


A la prémiére configuration je crée un mot de passe et un nom d'utilisateur avec keepass (Gestionnaire de mot de passe)
Je fais ma configuration du routeur Asus RT AC68U. J'enregistre ma configuration (Settings_RT-AC68U.CFG). Je laisse tourner quelques semaine c'est super! je retourne configurer .. Plusieurs semaine passe, je souhaite revenir en arriére .. Donc j'utilise le fichier de "Settings_RT-AC68U.CFG" et la le drame !!!! "* Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe invalide"
C'est impossible avec le gestionnaire de mot de passe .. 2 fois que cela m'arrive.

Y a t'il des chance que le fichier de config (Settings_RT-AC68U.CFG) casse le mot de passe ??

Mon fichier de configuration: https://mega.nz/file/98oR3B4I#CKDlH2huSWsBEuti_xGLoJ8_WeMx2xztQyOFqwZwoKQ
Adresse Routeur local:
le nom d'utilisateur: DominArsen
Mot de passe: ayVUbh6nvslvPyY

Ma version RT AC68U: 384.16
Last edited:

Do not check the box circled in red (option which was changed during the various updates)

Il ne faut pas cocher la case entourer en rouge (option qui à était modifié au court des différente mise à jour)
Is your password longer than 16 characters? Does it work if you don't use the password manager? Does it work if you only type in the first 16 characters?
Also be careful with the use of non alphanumeric characters, as some of these might potentially fail to be properly encoded when stored in a config file.
I think what he means in post #2 is that he's found the problem.

He created a backup config file with the option to remove passwords ticked. So when he used it to restore his router the passwords didn't work any more (the real passwords are replaced by x's).
Thanks everyone :) ,

ColinTaylor that's exactly it .. I always check the checkbox ...... :( (but where did I have the head)
Suddenly the mishap allowed me to redo the configuration from the hard reset and believe that the AC68 U needed.

A special question.
Did you know when the AC68U support will be stopped?
Would you like to have experience with router synology?
Are you satisfied with the latest router from Asus?

Merci à tous :),
ColinTaylor c'est exactement ça.. Je cocher toujours la checkbox...... (mais ou avait-je la tête)
Du coup la mésaventure ma permis de refaire la configuration à partir du Hard Reset et il faut croire que le AC68 U en avait besoins.

Une question particuliére..
Savait vous quand le support du AC68U sera arrété ?
Avait vous des expérience sur des routeur synology ?
Ete vous satisfait des dernier routeur d'Asus ?
Did you know when the AC68U support will be stopped?

Only Asus knows, and they are not sharing that kind of info for obvious reasons.

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