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I am going with Google Fiber next month. I current have GT-AX11000 Pro and two ZenWifi XT9 for my mesh that I replaced back in July. Will these work with 2 gig from GFiber? Also, GT-AX11000 pro vs Google Nest Router pro, comparing security. Will my Asus work well for security? Google rep worried me because Google router does not have the diagnosis app like Asus has for better monitoring and testing he said. I assume there should not be any adjustments needed with my Asus. I have 1 Gig of Spectrum now, but it does not work well. I average around 1/2 gig and Spectrum just can not seem to get their service right. I will also be saving $$ vs Spectrum. Your input would be appreciated. Hope this made sense as you can tell I am no data expert. Thank you