I'm planning on creating a new guest network split off from the regular network by a vlan on my Asus AC87U and I was hoping for a critique of the JFFS script before I implement it to hopefully head off any problems with the script before I pull the trigger. I'll have a pfsense router handling the heavy lifting as far as DHCP and routing are concerned so those aspects are omitted from the script.
So what do you think?
So what do you think?
#Define VLANS
robocfg vlan 10 ports "1t 2 3 4"
robocfg vlan 20 ports "1t"
ifconfig vlan10 up
ifconfig vlan20 up
#Assign Guest Network to proper network bridge and VLAN
brctl addbr br1
brctl delif br0 wl0.1
brctl delif br0 wl1.1
brctl addif br0 vlan10
brctl addif br1 wl0.1
brctl addif br1 wl1.1
brctl addif br1 vlan20
ifconfig br1 up