All I primarily want is to access my router with the Asus app so i can manage parental controls. I want to access my router in a secure way.
I have followed those guides i've found, but still haven't managed to get it working. Can someone please help me, explain to me like i'm 5.
I run Asus XT8 with the latest Merlin/Gnuton firmware.
I have a private IP, whatever that means. It says so in the VPN section in the router GUI. And I recently enabled Asus DDNS hoping it would make wireguard run, it didn't.
I successfully make wireguard Server run and setup my client, which is my cellphone. I scan the QR-code and so on. But when trying to connect from my phone it doesn't work.
If there is some other method beside wireguard please guide me. Total noob here. As said this is primarily for me to manage parental controls on the go. But if it grants other features aswell that would be great. Like using my network at home from work, so my workplace cant se what i'm doing
I have followed those guides i've found, but still haven't managed to get it working. Can someone please help me, explain to me like i'm 5.
I run Asus XT8 with the latest Merlin/Gnuton firmware.
I have a private IP, whatever that means. It says so in the VPN section in the router GUI. And I recently enabled Asus DDNS hoping it would make wireguard run, it didn't.
I successfully make wireguard Server run and setup my client, which is my cellphone. I scan the QR-code and so on. But when trying to connect from my phone it doesn't work.
If there is some other method beside wireguard please guide me. Total noob here. As said this is primarily for me to manage parental controls on the go. But if it grants other features aswell that would be great. Like using my network at home from work, so my workplace cant se what i'm doing