this is a Tmobile version AC1900. I got this at Sep and flashed the FW AC68U_376_1663 from ASUS. Yesterday, when logging into ASUS menu, i saw a reminder about new FW ready and accidently to click it to do the upgrade, which appeared to a wrong action. I thought the new FW would be RT_AC68U_376_3726 but it turned to be 376_2827(Tmobile Version). The reason i do not like Tmobile FW is it removes the download master. i tried to use rescue mode to go back to 376_1663 or 376_3726 FW. but everytime the rescue started to do system repair after uploading file, the router jumped back to tmobile FW when the sytem repair is at 2%-3%. I can use rescue mode to downgrade the tmobile FW from 376_2827 to 376_1703, but failed to go back to asus FW. I also tried Merlin FW 374_43.2 without success.
Since i was able to flash TM FW to ASUS FW back to Sep, i assume that my bootloader should not locked to TM. Could someone help to instruct me how to flash back to ASUS FW? If there is a way to use download master on TM FW without to Flash Asus FW, it is even better.
Since i was able to flash TM FW to ASUS FW back to Sep, i assume that my bootloader should not locked to TM. Could someone help to instruct me how to flash back to ASUS FW? If there is a way to use download master on TM FW without to Flash Asus FW, it is even better.