For the record, I'm running the stock firmware, but I would be willing to switch to merlin if it can help address this issue.
On my home network served by my AXE16000 router, all my firewalls are showing that I'm blocking a packet from my router on every 20 seconds. Based on that IP address, I strongly suspect this is IGMP snooping. I basically never do multicast streaming or use IPTV, so as far as I'm concerned this is a useless resource hog that is polluting all my logs (yes, I know, I could set up rules to clean up the logs. I don't want to have to to no good purpose.)
I have disabled every option under LAN -> IPTV. I have disabled IGMP snooping under all 4 WiFi bands under Wireless -> Professional. It has had absolutely zero impact on these every-20-second packets on from the router to every device on my LAN.
I've searched for HOURS and the only thread I've found that even comes close to addressing this topic is this thread from 2 years ago.
The upshot of that, and the thread linked to near the end, is that it seems that this packet is being broadcast every 20 seconds from the router by a process called mcpd. If you ssh into the router and do `killall mcpd`, the queries will stop. But that hardly seems like a permanent solution, it would just resume the next time the router rebooted. There are some tips in the subthread on how to edit the mcpd configuration file, but none of the settings there seem to amount to "disable", best I could do would be to increase the interval.
Is it seriously impossible to disable this multicast spam? Or is this constant multicast serving some purpose other than IGMP snooping that I'm unaware of? If there is some perceptible benefit, I'd be happy to allow the packets, but so far I have blocked them on my linux boxes and not experienced any negative consequences I'm aware of.
On my home network served by my AXE16000 router, all my firewalls are showing that I'm blocking a packet from my router on every 20 seconds. Based on that IP address, I strongly suspect this is IGMP snooping. I basically never do multicast streaming or use IPTV, so as far as I'm concerned this is a useless resource hog that is polluting all my logs (yes, I know, I could set up rules to clean up the logs. I don't want to have to to no good purpose.)
I have disabled every option under LAN -> IPTV. I have disabled IGMP snooping under all 4 WiFi bands under Wireless -> Professional. It has had absolutely zero impact on these every-20-second packets on from the router to every device on my LAN.
I've searched for HOURS and the only thread I've found that even comes close to addressing this topic is this thread from 2 years ago.

Disable IGMP Snooping on AX88u
How do I disable IGMP Snooping on Asus AX88U? I have it disabled in: Wireless professional settings, and 'Multicast Routing' is disabled in IPTV settings as well However, in Wireshark, I can clearly see the LAN Gateway IP (which sits on AX88U) generating IGMPv3 Membership queries. Is there...

The upshot of that, and the thread linked to near the end, is that it seems that this packet is being broadcast every 20 seconds from the router by a process called mcpd. If you ssh into the router and do `killall mcpd`, the queries will stop. But that hardly seems like a permanent solution, it would just resume the next time the router rebooted. There are some tips in the subthread on how to edit the mcpd configuration file, but none of the settings there seem to amount to "disable", best I could do would be to increase the interval.
Is it seriously impossible to disable this multicast spam? Or is this constant multicast serving some purpose other than IGMP snooping that I'm unaware of? If there is some perceptible benefit, I'd be happy to allow the packets, but so far I have blocked them on my linux boxes and not experienced any negative consequences I'm aware of.