As you might know, Google Reader is to shutdown on summer. The goal of this How-To is to install Google Reader replacement right to router - a Tiny Tiny RSS which Looks like Google Reader, Feels like Google Reader and so on
Check out my video clip.
The positive side effect is a privacy — no one can see what feeds you are reading.
Pre-requirements: asuswrt-merlin firmware on board and a USB drive with Entware installation.
Download and unpack preconfigured TT-RSS
Install necessary packages
Start it!
All necessary stuff will be started automatically on reboot.
Point a browser to
where is an ip address of router, enter default credentials "admin"/"password" and enjoy using Tiny Tiny RSS.
That's an easy way of installing TT-RSS. If you want to know technical detail about it, see third post.

The positive side effect is a privacy — no one can see what feeds you are reading.
Pre-requirements: asuswrt-merlin firmware on board and a USB drive with Entware installation.
Download and unpack preconfigured TT-RSS
cd /opt
tar -xvzf ./tt-rss_1.7.5.tgz
rm ./tt-rss_1.7.5.tgz
Install necessary packages
opkg install \
dtach \
lighttpd-mod-fastcgi \
mc \
mysql-server \
php5-cgi \
php5-cli \
php5-mod-ctype \
php5-mod-curl \
php5-mod-dom \
php5-mod-hash \
php5-mod-iconv \
php5-mod-json \
php5-mod-mbstring \
php5-mod-mysql \
php5-mod-session \
php5-mod-simplexml \
php5-mod-xml \
Start it!
/opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld start
/opt/etc/init.d/S80lighttpd start
/opt/etc/init.d/S81ttrss-update start
Point a browser to
That's an easy way of installing TT-RSS. If you want to know technical detail about it, see third post.
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