First router serves some public computers in a DMZ. One of the cables runs to another apartment to an AC68u (WAN-port). After the AC68u follows the internal network.
-> (wan)router(lan) ---> switch1_DMZ ----------------> switch2_DMZ -> (wan)AC68u(lan) ---> internal
To add a shared host belonging to DMZ but physically next to the AC86u I simply added a switch (switch2_DMZ) before the AC86u and attached it to this switch instead of the AC68u lan port.
Works perfect, but I wonder if I could spare the switch2 and use one of the AC86 LAN-ports for that purpose: Have one of the lan ports acting exactly as the ports on switch2_DMZ
Is there an easy/safe way to realize that?
-> (wan)router(lan) ---> switch1_DMZ ----------------> switch2_DMZ -> (wan)AC68u(lan) ---> internal
To add a shared host belonging to DMZ but physically next to the AC86u I simply added a switch (switch2_DMZ) before the AC86u and attached it to this switch instead of the AC68u lan port.
Works perfect, but I wonder if I could spare the switch2 and use one of the AC86 LAN-ports for that purpose: Have one of the lan ports acting exactly as the ports on switch2_DMZ
Is there an easy/safe way to realize that?