I've an RT-AC68.
Is there a way to get a graph that shows you the bandwidth that you are getting?
That graph could either be fed by analyzing the log of recent transmissions: if the router is being used, we report the highest of the upload & download numbers? (passive bandwidth monitoring)
Or the graph would be fed by an active monitoring: identifying a node close-by with a well-known file that would be used for download (may upload?) test?
I am kind of thinking of a built-in speedtest that I would be able to graph over different periods.
I am paying for a 50Mbit down / 5 Mbit up link, and I get the feeling that for example on Sundays at 8pm, I can only get 15Mbit down...
Anything like that available?
I've an RT-AC68.
Is there a way to get a graph that shows you the bandwidth that you are getting?
That graph could either be fed by analyzing the log of recent transmissions: if the router is being used, we report the highest of the upload & download numbers? (passive bandwidth monitoring)
Or the graph would be fed by an active monitoring: identifying a node close-by with a well-known file that would be used for download (may upload?) test?
I am kind of thinking of a built-in speedtest that I would be able to graph over different periods.
I am paying for a 50Mbit down / 5 Mbit up link, and I get the feeling that for example on Sundays at 8pm, I can only get 15Mbit down...
Anything like that available?