Hello. Would appreciate some advice from the experienced.
1) As things sit today how do I rank the various firmware options in terms of most current as far as security and threat mitigation goes? (Assume I use all the security features made available in the firmware.) Seems we have Asus stock RT_AC68U_38410007, Merlin 382.2 Beta3, Merlin 380.69, Fork 374.4x LTS and the Merlin 384 pre-release.
2) Which is most likely to stay most up-to-date security wise going forward for the next six months to a year?
If the question I am asking isn't quite right.. appreciate your rephrasing it for me. I am having trouble deciding whether I should be staying with Merlin or the latest Asus creation while the current issues get worked out. Many thanks
1) As things sit today how do I rank the various firmware options in terms of most current as far as security and threat mitigation goes? (Assume I use all the security features made available in the firmware.) Seems we have Asus stock RT_AC68U_38410007, Merlin 382.2 Beta3, Merlin 380.69, Fork 374.4x LTS and the Merlin 384 pre-release.
2) Which is most likely to stay most up-to-date security wise going forward for the next six months to a year?
If the question I am asking isn't quite right.. appreciate your rephrasing it for me. I am having trouble deciding whether I should be staying with Merlin or the latest Asus creation while the current issues get worked out. Many thanks
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