Hello all.
Thanks to all that recommended the RT-AC86U as a fix to VPN speed issues. Very fast. I seem to be getting "full speed" (85-90Mbps) which seems odd. I know I can check my IP (and I have) - I just seems oddly fast.
I seem to have an issue when selecting the VPN option in the GUI. It takes about 30 seconds for the VPN status page to show the status. Worse is when I click on the VPN client tab - it takes over a minute for the page to show. Anyone else see this symtom?
Thanks to all that recommended the RT-AC86U as a fix to VPN speed issues. Very fast. I seem to be getting "full speed" (85-90Mbps) which seems odd. I know I can check my IP (and I have) - I just seems oddly fast.
I seem to have an issue when selecting the VPN option in the GUI. It takes about 30 seconds for the VPN status page to show the status. Worse is when I click on the VPN client tab - it takes over a minute for the page to show. Anyone else see this symtom?