Regular Contributor
followed this guide and i cannot get it to install. cant get past this point.
admin@RT-AC68U-CBF0:/tmp# chmod +x ./
admin@RT-AC68U-CBF0:/tmp# ./
Info: This script was created by ryzhov_al and modified by TeHashX.
Info: Thanks @zyxmon & @ryzhov_al for New Generation Entware
Info: and @RMerlin for his awesome firmwares
Info: This script will guide you through the Entware-NG installation.
Info: Script modifies only "entware-ng" folder on the chosen drive,
Info: no other data will be touched. Existing installation will be
Info: replaced with this one. Also some start scripts will be installed,
Info: the old ones will be saved on partition where Entware-NG is installed
Info: like /tmp/mnt/sda1/jffs_scripts_backup.tgz
*** Error: Please "Enable JFFS partition" from "Administration > System"
*** Error: from router web UI:
*** Error: then reboot router and try again. Exiting...
i have enabled and save and rebooted 5 times, still no cigar. latest build of merlin. also tried factory reset.
any help would be helpful.
followed this guide and i cannot get it to install. cant get past this point.
admin@RT-AC68U-CBF0:/tmp# chmod +x ./
admin@RT-AC68U-CBF0:/tmp# ./
Info: This script was created by ryzhov_al and modified by TeHashX.
Info: Thanks @zyxmon & @ryzhov_al for New Generation Entware
Info: and @RMerlin for his awesome firmwares
Info: This script will guide you through the Entware-NG installation.
Info: Script modifies only "entware-ng" folder on the chosen drive,
Info: no other data will be touched. Existing installation will be
Info: replaced with this one. Also some start scripts will be installed,
Info: the old ones will be saved on partition where Entware-NG is installed
Info: like /tmp/mnt/sda1/jffs_scripts_backup.tgz
*** Error: Please "Enable JFFS partition" from "Administration > System"
*** Error: from router web UI:
*** Error: then reboot router and try again. Exiting...
i have enabled and save and rebooted 5 times, still no cigar. latest build of merlin. also tried factory reset.
any help would be helpful.