Hi all, brand new member here, total noob.
I know this is a most basic and dumb question but I really could use some help.
How do I reset my router password to default?
I just bought a Asus AC- 68R router and almost had it running good, almost. But things went screwy during installation, now I am stuck.

It is a Factory Refurbished model so it didn't come with a Setup CD. So I have no Rescue Utility software. Which means I can not get into the GUI.
All I have is a factory manual from Asus website. I tried following it to reset but to no avail.
I am not even using the wireless features of the modem yet, simply Ethernet. I do have 3 PC's connected and all 3 have internet good solid Ethernet connections at the moment.
I just can't get into the startup/setup screen for the Asus router any longer.
What happened is when I got this router yesterday I did have a startup/setup screen for the Asus router and as I was going through things I saw a yellow blinking icon in the menu. It suggested I change the username and password from the default "admin, admin", so I did. I changed it as suggested.
But as it was working to change things it seemed to be hung up. I waited at least a half hour watching the screen do nothing. Finally I gave up thinking something went wrong and I stopped the process. Maybe I shouldn't have, probably not. I think I am screwed big time now?
So, I want to reset things back to admin, admin and try again. But I can't do it. It will not take my new password or admin, admin.
I tried to reset the router by shutting down all PC's, shutting down the router and shutting down the modem. Modem is a Motorola SB 6141.
Then I powered up the Asus AC- 68R while holding down the reset button until I got a slow blinking light to get in to factory default mode.
Then I tried to get into the menu and enter the password and I can't do it.
It wont take either the admin, admin or my new PW.
Any ideas where I go next with this?
I can't continue any setups for the wireless part until I can get into the menu system. Help please...
Thank you all.
I know this is a most basic and dumb question but I really could use some help.
How do I reset my router password to default?
I just bought a Asus AC- 68R router and almost had it running good, almost. But things went screwy during installation, now I am stuck.

It is a Factory Refurbished model so it didn't come with a Setup CD. So I have no Rescue Utility software. Which means I can not get into the GUI.
All I have is a factory manual from Asus website. I tried following it to reset but to no avail.
I am not even using the wireless features of the modem yet, simply Ethernet. I do have 3 PC's connected and all 3 have internet good solid Ethernet connections at the moment.
I just can't get into the startup/setup screen for the Asus router any longer.
What happened is when I got this router yesterday I did have a startup/setup screen for the Asus router and as I was going through things I saw a yellow blinking icon in the menu. It suggested I change the username and password from the default "admin, admin", so I did. I changed it as suggested.
But as it was working to change things it seemed to be hung up. I waited at least a half hour watching the screen do nothing. Finally I gave up thinking something went wrong and I stopped the process. Maybe I shouldn't have, probably not. I think I am screwed big time now?
So, I want to reset things back to admin, admin and try again. But I can't do it. It will not take my new password or admin, admin.
I tried to reset the router by shutting down all PC's, shutting down the router and shutting down the modem. Modem is a Motorola SB 6141.
Then I powered up the Asus AC- 68R while holding down the reset button until I got a slow blinking light to get in to factory default mode.
Then I tried to get into the menu and enter the password and I can't do it.
It wont take either the admin, admin or my new PW.
Any ideas where I go next with this?
I can't continue any setups for the wireless part until I can get into the menu system. Help please...
Thank you all.
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