Hi, I just installed Asuswrt-Merlin (thanks for making it, by the way), and wanted to check whether any ports were exposed to WAN, assuming everything would be blocked. I scanned all ports with a separate internet connection, and got the following results (this command just verifies the three ports I found in the first scan).
By some googling, I could find out that port 3394 and 5473 are used by u2ec, and port 18017 by wanduck.
I assume this is not intended, and pose a security threat.
Furthermore, I tried to block every incoming packet, with the same result (ports still open):
# nmap (WAN IP) -p 3394,5473,18017 -T4
Starting Nmap 6.40-2 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2016-12-13 10:44 CET
Nmap scan report for (WAN IP)
Host is up (0.19s latency).
3394/tcp open unknown
5473/tcp open unknown
18017/tcp open unknown
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.53 seconds
By some googling, I could find out that port 3394 and 5473 are used by u2ec, and port 18017 by wanduck.
I assume this is not intended, and pose a security threat.
Furthermore, I tried to block every incoming packet, with the same result (ports still open):
admin@RT-AC87U:/tmp/home/root# iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -j DROP
admin@RT-AC87U:/tmp/home/root# iptables -I INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT