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Proper dnsmasq config for local resolver?

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Hi, i'm not sure how to ask this or if this has been asked, I want to have

at the top of resolv.conf every boot.

now my WAN DNS Setting has

and it doesn't allow for a 3rd or 4th and so forth name servers to be listed only 2.

I want to be able to have proper DNS caching so that my routers dnsmasq is where all quires hit before being forwarded down to CF DNS and so forth.
as i have some custom DNS domains pointing to my own hosts which I have added to: /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add

now i have added this to /jffs/scripts/services-start

# Add local DNS server to resolv.conf
/bin/sh /jffs/scripts/dns_resolver.sh

and: /jffs/scripts/dns_resolver.sh
# Delay execution
sleep 20

# Add local DNS server to resolv.conf if not already present
if ! grep -q "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf; then
    echo -e "nameserver\n$(cat /etc/resolv.conf)" > /etc/resolv.conf

# Add local DNS server to /tmp/resolv.dnsmasq if not already present
if ! grep -q "server=" /tmp/resolv.dnsmasq; then
    echo -e "server=\n$(cat /tmp/resolv.dnsmasq)" > /tmp/resolv.dnsmasq

# Restart dnsmasq service to apply changes
service restart_dnsmasq

now I think my implementation of it is a bit dirty, is there a proper way to do this? append additional name servers at the top of resolv.conf & ensure that dnsmasq uses it?

I noticed that dnsmasq has the setting: no-resolv enabled which stops it from using /etc/resolv.conf
that's why I added the server= to /tmp/resolv.dnsmasq as well.
I want to be able to have proper DNS caching so that my routers dnsmasq is where all quires hit before being forwarded down to CF DNS and so forth.
Having three server lines in resolv.conf will not achieve that. You need only a single line for This is what the option Tools - Other Settings > Wan: Use local caching DNS server as system resolver = Yes does.
And the tooltip for Wan: Use local caching DNS server as system resolver (default: No):
Having three server lines in resolv.conf will not achieve that. You need only a single line for This is what the option Tools - Other Settings > Wan: Use local caching DNS server as system resolver = Yes does.
And the tooltip for Wan: Use local caching DNS server as system resolver (default: No):
View attachment 59954
thanks did not see this, as the clients were hitting dnsmasq but router didn't.

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