Ola Malmstrom
Regular Contributor
I have set up an FTP server on a separate Windows 10 PC.
I would like to use the RTRR functionality in the QNAP to backup data from the QNAP NAS to this FTP server on a regular basis.
I can connect to the Windows 10 FTP server from the NAS after having logged in to the NAS through SSH. I can also connect from other Windows clients.
But..... there is no way I can connect to the Windows 10 FTP server through the NAS GUI. I have tried everything I could come up with. Changed settings, played around with the windows firewall, re-booted the PC, re-booted the NAS, tried different users on the PC (local or my standard one), synchronized passwords...... Nothing sems to work. I have serched the web and found that this functionality was broken in an earlier version of the FW. As far as I understand, it should have been corrected years ago.
I'm running the latest FW version -
Is there anyone out there who has some other suggestions I could try? Someone who can confirm that this functionality is broken (or actually working!)?

I would like to use the RTRR functionality in the QNAP to backup data from the QNAP NAS to this FTP server on a regular basis.
I can connect to the Windows 10 FTP server from the NAS after having logged in to the NAS through SSH. I can also connect from other Windows clients.
But..... there is no way I can connect to the Windows 10 FTP server through the NAS GUI. I have tried everything I could come up with. Changed settings, played around with the windows firewall, re-booted the PC, re-booted the NAS, tried different users on the PC (local or my standard one), synchronized passwords...... Nothing sems to work. I have serched the web and found that this functionality was broken in an earlier version of the FW. As far as I understand, it should have been corrected years ago.
I'm running the latest FW version -
Is there anyone out there who has some other suggestions I could try? Someone who can confirm that this functionality is broken (or actually working!)?