New Around Here
I've been doing quite a but of reading on the QNAP TS219 and Netgear ReadyNAS Duo. I cant seem to decide between these two though.
The QNAP TS 219 is almost $399 (diskless). The Netgear ReadyNas Duo 2 TB one is about $350. I understand the transfer performance of the QNAP is better. Is is really that worth it to spend the additional $150-$200 and get the QNAP. I am kinda cautious of my budget, so i dont want to go too high if i dont have to. So if Netgear is very close to the QNAP in performance i will go for the Netgear.
Any suggestions??
On a separate note, I had heard that QNAP doesn't have good tech support here in the US. Has this been a problem?
The QNAP TS 219 is almost $399 (diskless). The Netgear ReadyNas Duo 2 TB one is about $350. I understand the transfer performance of the QNAP is better. Is is really that worth it to spend the additional $150-$200 and get the QNAP. I am kinda cautious of my budget, so i dont want to go too high if i dont have to. So if Netgear is very close to the QNAP in performance i will go for the Netgear.
Any suggestions??
On a separate note, I had heard that QNAP doesn't have good tech support here in the US. Has this been a problem?