New Around Here
after hours of searching and reading, i am finally able to access my USB via SFTP. the results unfortunately where not as expected. Accessing my USB via SFTP only works when using my Routers 'ASUS RT-AC66U' Admin and Root Password. Using a user created for FTP Share e.g.
'sftp user_created@',
does not allow login doing so results in a permission denied.
but when i use that same user in e.g
'ftp user_created@192.168.1.'
i get access to the folder enabled with permissions for FTP Share.
i want to be able to access FTP with the Users i Explicitly Created in the FTP Share, is it possible.
Second Question, can someone link me to a good Wiki on how to Enable SFTP in Dropbear.
'sftp user_created@',
does not allow login doing so results in a permission denied.
but when i use that same user in e.g
'ftp user_created@192.168.1.'
i get access to the folder enabled with permissions for FTP Share.
i want to be able to access FTP with the Users i Explicitly Created in the FTP Share, is it possible.
Second Question, can someone link me to a good Wiki on how to Enable SFTP in Dropbear.