Got it, thx! I never would have found that. . .
Traffic Monitor by IP Screencast
It kinda sorta works for me? First weird thing I noticed was the list of devices it had. . .(and the list changed shortly after I stopped recording), because some of these devices have zero network activity right now. And refreshing my list of connected devices on UI's main page, did update that list to more devices.
It's very odd because I have assigned names for & .18, so why didn't their friendly names show up, but showed up as TiVo... properly (actually all the TiVos did, which never seems to happen in other places of the UI) and all 3 of the devices I just named off are behind the same wireless media bridge, so, very weird that they all showed up by IP (I wouldn't have predicted that) and that 1:3 showed up with proper friendly name.
Either way yes the real time monitor really is real time, the #s only pop up and then go away quite quickly, even when streaming something steadily there were only continuous pops (and the scale I'm using is MB, maybe they pop much less frequently than Mb).
I started off streaming netflix to my AppleTV, so you can pretty quickly see that it's working.
Sporadically I was doing stuff with my iphone (...i5) including streaming a YouTube video in HD directly to it.
Then I initiated a transfer from one TiVo (.23) from TiVo at .22, this seemed to only kick traffic #s on .23.
In addition to the transfer I then started streaming Netflix to TiVo at .23.
Side note, just checked the monitor page again and my AppleTV does have its friendly name listed now.
This screen is of limited use IMHO, because it doesn't give you a cumulative data total, which the graphs do in this same section. Granted it's only for 10min I believe, but that cumulative # is very helpful at least in the diagnosis and troubleshooting that I do.
These instant #s are not as useful, IMHO, because you have to sit and stare right at them and not be doing other stuff you might want to do to create the network activity you are trying to test.
Also I definitely had data coming out of the TiVo at, and this didn't show it.
I can't really think of a reason why I'd need to use this screen again, if I need to check how fast a specific device is transferring I can do it from the graphs by streaming continuously for 10min and not having anything else active on that section of my network during that time.
PS - If you do triangle + I+ icon, does it give you the bitrate of the stream like it does while watching a disc?