New Around Here
So my routers tend to break over time. I've gone from netgear to dlink to asus. We have 6 people in my household, and about 24 devices connected at any one time. For every router, they seem to run smoothly for about a year, and than poof, pandora's box opens and I give up trying to fix it and buy a new one. I've gone from Dlink 855 > Asus N56U > Asus AC66U > Asus AC68U.
Are we just putting too large of a load on the router? Any ideas? We can have up to 6 devices streaming netflix, etc at one time, plus others in the background
I'm debating throwing money at the issue and just getting the AC87U.
Thanks everyone.
Are we just putting too large of a load on the router? Any ideas? We can have up to 6 devices streaming netflix, etc at one time, plus others in the background
I'm debating throwing money at the issue and just getting the AC87U.

Thanks everyone.