Current Firmware: Firmware Version:
Trying To Flash: Firmware version:
My Firmware is on I havent checked for a newer firmware for awhile.
Today I downloaded & when I try flash it It says Please wait, applying settings...
After 15 minutes nothing happens, If i re-fresh the page it goes back to the router menu
It seems like it doesn't even attempt to upload the firmware.
I turned off the modem & turned it on but same problem when I flash it again.
I tired from another computer but same issue.
I have updated my firmware on this router previously without issues.
I am not sure if this is caused because I am jumping firmware revisions.
Asus only offer / on their website
Has anyone had this problem or know how I can resolve this issue.
Trying To Flash: Firmware version:
My Firmware is on I havent checked for a newer firmware for awhile.
Today I downloaded & when I try flash it It says Please wait, applying settings...
After 15 minutes nothing happens, If i re-fresh the page it goes back to the router menu
It seems like it doesn't even attempt to upload the firmware.
I turned off the modem & turned it on but same problem when I flash it again.
I tired from another computer but same issue.
I have updated my firmware on this router previously without issues.
I am not sure if this is caused because I am jumping firmware revisions.
Asus only offer / on their website
Has anyone had this problem or know how I can resolve this issue.