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RT-AC68U 380.61 AiProtection Alert Emails

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Hello there.
I just installed 380.61 on my router and was playing around with AiProtection. Unfortunately, I was not able to get the alert emails to send properly. I have created a brand new Gmail account with the "less secure apps" option turned on.
In alert preferences, I have all checkboxes checked and my account information entered. The password disappears from the alert screen after saving the changes.
Immediately after saving the changes, I see the "ALERT MAIL: Confirm Mail" log message in the System Log, and I do see the message:
Dear user,

This is for your mail address confirmation and please click below link to go back firmware page for configuration.


ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

in my mailbox. The problem, however, is that whenever a blocked page is triggered, I do not receive any alert emails from AiProtection. I am not quite sure if I needed to "confirm my email" or the like, but I do not see the option for doing this. I also do not see any entries in the System Log that an email was actually sent, despite waiting for hours for it.

On a side note, has anyone using this on Gmail got forwarding to work? It seems like that the email to self message does not trigger the forwarding mechanism, and that the message is just stuck in the alternate account without being forwarded to my primary email account.

By default, alert emails are sent only when there is something about vulnerability protection or infected device problem NOT about malicious sites blocking. So by default, if you open a malicious website, you wouldn't get any email. If you want to change this, go to AiProtection, alert preference, enter your password again and check "malicious website" box and then apply. Hope that works!
Yes, but I guess the problem was that all of the boxes were checked but yet I am still not getting any emails. That's why I was wondering whether the email I received meant I needed to confirm my email somehow. Is there some kind of NVRAM values I can check to make sure it's really set correctly?
Also be sure that gmail does not move the Asus notification from the gmail inbox into a sub folder (it did this to me) as then it will not be forwarded to your chosen account.
Nope, it was a brand new account with no folders. All of the social and promotion tabs were also empty. I am guessing though if the router has sent an email it would appear in the System Log tab though?
I wish Asuswrt allowed the use of any SMTP server, just like any NAS will do for their mail notifications.
I just tried a few things, and I couldn't get alert mail to work either. I think the latest signature, 1.122 has problem with alert mail function. My setting was working for 1.120 and there was no need to confirm email.

Edit: This is not the first time it is not working, one of the signatures before was not working as well, all I had to do was to wait for signature update and input all email info again and things started working
It is in the same page as firmware update page in administration part.
Interesting, I didn't even know there was a Check button there - I just clicked that and it now updated from 1.10 to 1.122. Will see how that goes... Doesn't this thing automatically update? Strange..
Interesting, I didn't even know there was a Check button there - I just clicked that and it now updated from 1.10 to 1.122. Will see how that goes... Doesn't this thing automatically update? Strange..
It suppose to be. Maybe 1.10 is too old that auto update function was not yet available. My DSL-AC68U update from 1.120 to 1.122 automatically, so I believe it sometimes work, but I always check it manually once a month to be sure. Note that I sometimes have to re-enter email's password after updating signature to make alert mail works. Good Luck!
Thanks - I will keep hitting the button and see if the emails come :)
Btw, for some reasons, alert mail is working for me now with 1.122 signature. I also created new gmail and do forwarding just like you. One more thing that may help, if you alert email is not working, try changing gmail to aol(or anything), write random email/password, then apply, and then you change everything back(just like refreshing your email, I guess).
Thank you for the response - I actually have done this numerous times but no avail. The only email I would get by changing the emails is the confirm email that I have listed earlier. However, I just fixed a DNS resolution issue on my router caused by AiProtection, so I will see if this issue I am getting is due to the inability to resolve the SMTP gateway smtp.gmail.com. I guess we shall see where this takes me :)
I had the same problem with GMAIL smtp. (running Merlin .59). Email alert wouldn't work. Problem is that gmail blocks the router sending the emails as it sees as a non secured app. If you check your gmail logs you should see an alert from google. You need to access a blocked site and then check the alert from google that an app was blocked in accessing the mail.
I think what you are referring to is the Allow less secure apps option, which was turned on. In my case, I got the initial confirm email function, but not any alert emails.
Did you get the airprotection screen when you tried to access a blocked web site for example? Unless you get the page you wont get an email.

Try to set up an AOL account and and see if it works. It is working for me.

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