Ok, here is the (GMT+1:00) score at this date, Monday October 28, 2013:
1-Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest = GMT+2:00
2-Ljubljana, Prague = GMT+1:00 - No Manually set the daylight saving time box
3-Sarajvo, Skopje, Sofija = GMT+1:00 - No Manually set the daylight saving time box
4-Vilnius, Warsaw, Zagreb = GMT+1:00 - No Manually set the daylight saving time box
5-Brussels, Copenhagen = GMT+2:00
6-Madrid, Paris = GMT+2:00
7-Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern = GMT+2:00
8-Rome, Stockholm, Vienna = GMT+2:00
9-West Central Africa = GMT+1:00 - No Manually set the daylight saving time box
2, 3, 4 and 9 appear ok now for the (GMT+1:00) choices, but do lack the "Manually set the daylight saving time" box, guess these will not consider DST at all.
As far as I can tell above choices are correcly listed as to be (GMT+1:00), the problem lies in the DST setting.
I guess the choices that now display GMT+2:00 still "wait" for the ending of DST, somewhere the next weeks...to the programmers choice ;-)
Most of Europe is now back to "normal" real time ("Wintertime"), which is 1 hour ahead of UTC.
DST or "Summertime" is the odd one which is 2 hours ahead of UTC.
Source for the programmers:
Also mind this one:
The manual DST settings are not much better either.
You can select the start and end month, that is ok.
Then you can select a week number, the usual choices "first" or "last" are missing.
And the days are numbered from 0 to 6 instead of plain Monday to Sunday.
Another area for improvement with low priority.