I'm new to the forums and to using Merlin Asus custom FW. I'm trying to help someone setup their Asus-merlin router's OpenVPN client for use with UsenetServer VPN service. The site provides setup details for configuring TOmato OpenVPN client.
I understand Merlin used the same code and interface so can I just use the same settings? ANything different? I copied the instructions from their website.
THanks in advance
I'm new to the forums and to using Merlin Asus custom FW. I'm trying to help someone setup their Asus-merlin router's OpenVPN client for use with UsenetServer VPN service. The site provides setup details for configuring TOmato OpenVPN client.
I understand Merlin used the same code and interface so can I just use the same settings? ANything different? I copied the instructions from their website.
THanks in advance
In the side bar, click on "VPN Tunneling," and then "OpenVPN Client."
Under the Basic tab, make the following changes:
1) Put a check mark next to "Start with WAN"
2) Change "Interface Type" to TUN
3) Change "Protocol" to your preference (TCP or UDP)
4) Type in your desired server ( the server list) and your desired port (choose from 443 or 1194)
5) Change "Firewall" to Automatic
6) Change "Authorization Mode" to TLS
7) Put a check mark next to "Username/Password Authentication"
8) Enter your UsenetServer username with @usenetserver added to the end (ex. user@usenetserver) and password in the appropriate fields.
9) Put a check mark next to "Username Authen. Only"
10) Make "Extra HMAC authorization (tls-auth)" Disabled
11) Put a check mark next to "Create NAT on tunnel"
After you are finished, click "Save" at the bottom-right.
Under the advanced tab, make the following changes:
1) Put a check mark next to "Redirect Internet traffic"
2) Change "Accept DNS configuration" to Strict
3) Change "Encryption cipher" to AES-256-CBC
4) Change "Compression" to Adaptive
5) Leave "TLS Renegotiation Time" at -1
6) Leave "Connection Retry" at 30
7) Enter the following into the "Custom Configuration":
resolv-retry infinite
verb 3
auth SHA256
keysize 256
tls-cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
After you are finished, click "Save" at the bottom-right.
Under the Keys tab, paste in everything from the following file: http://www.usenetserver.com/vpn/software/certificate.txt After you are finished, click "Save" at the bottom-right.
Under the Keys tab, hit the Start button to begin the OpenVPN service.
Wait for the service to start.
We now want to make sure that the router start up with OpenVPN. In the side bar, click on "Reboot."
Next, click on OK.
Wait for the router to reboot.
Some distributions of Tomato may require you to hit "Continue" before the router finishes booting.
We can now check to see if OpenVPN is running.
In the side bar, click on "VPN Tunneling," and then "OpenVPN Client."
Click on the "Status" tab. You should see statistics appear. As you use the service, the bytes transferred will increase.