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I am trying to tag vlan traffic for the guest networks, I have found several threads and I think my config is correct, but it´s only working if the wifi guest network is open, once I set it to WPA2 clients cannot authenticate.
The config is:
robocfg vlan 1 ports "2 3 4 5t
robocfg vlan 11 ports "1t 5t
vconfig add eth0 11
ifconfig vlan11 up
brctl delif br0 wl0.1
brctl delif br0 wl1.1
brctl addbr br1
brctl addif br0 vlan11
brctl addif br0 wl0.1
brctl addif br0 wl1.1
ifconfig br1 netmask
ifconfig br1 up
nvram set lan_ifnames="vlan1 eth1 eth2"
nvram set lan_ifname="br0"
nvram set lan1_ifnames="vlan11 wl0.1 wl1.1"
nvram set lan1_ifname="br1"
nvram commit
killall eapd
So I have the following:
admin@RT-AC68U-EC58:/tmp/home/root# robocfg show
Switch: enabled
Port 0: DOWN enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Port 1: 1000FD enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:e0:67:12:10:32
Port 2: DOWN enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Port 3: DOWN enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Port 4: 1000FD enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:e0:67:12:10:31
Port 5: 1000FD enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:9e:c8:95:a4:d8
Port 7: DOWN enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Port 8: DOWN enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
VLANs: BCM5301x enabled mac_check mac_hash
1: vlan1: 1 2 3 4 5t
2: vlan2: 5t
11: vlan11: 1t 5t
56: vlan56: 3 4t 8t
57: vlan57: 0t 1t 3 7
58: vlan58: 0 1 3 5t 8u
59: vlan59: 3t 5t 7 8t
60: vlan60: 0 8t
61: vlan61: 4t 5t
62: vlan62: 0t 3t 4 8u
admin@RT-AC68U-EC58:/tmp/home/root# brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
br0 8000.ac9e177eec58 no vlan1
br1 8000.ac9e177eec58 no wl0.1
Anyone can help me to see why wireless authentication is not working with this config?
I am trying to tag vlan traffic for the guest networks, I have found several threads and I think my config is correct, but it´s only working if the wifi guest network is open, once I set it to WPA2 clients cannot authenticate.
The config is:
robocfg vlan 1 ports "2 3 4 5t
robocfg vlan 11 ports "1t 5t
vconfig add eth0 11
ifconfig vlan11 up
brctl delif br0 wl0.1
brctl delif br0 wl1.1
brctl addbr br1
brctl addif br0 vlan11
brctl addif br0 wl0.1
brctl addif br0 wl1.1
ifconfig br1 netmask
ifconfig br1 up
nvram set lan_ifnames="vlan1 eth1 eth2"
nvram set lan_ifname="br0"
nvram set lan1_ifnames="vlan11 wl0.1 wl1.1"
nvram set lan1_ifname="br1"
nvram commit
killall eapd
So I have the following:
admin@RT-AC68U-EC58:/tmp/home/root# robocfg show
Switch: enabled
Port 0: DOWN enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Port 1: 1000FD enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:e0:67:12:10:32
Port 2: DOWN enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Port 3: DOWN enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Port 4: 1000FD enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:e0:67:12:10:31
Port 5: 1000FD enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:9e:c8:95:a4:d8
Port 7: DOWN enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Port 8: DOWN enabled stp: none vlan: 1 jumbo: off mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
VLANs: BCM5301x enabled mac_check mac_hash
1: vlan1: 1 2 3 4 5t
2: vlan2: 5t
11: vlan11: 1t 5t
56: vlan56: 3 4t 8t
57: vlan57: 0t 1t 3 7
58: vlan58: 0 1 3 5t 8u
59: vlan59: 3t 5t 7 8t
60: vlan60: 0 8t
61: vlan61: 4t 5t
62: vlan62: 0t 3t 4 8u
admin@RT-AC68U-EC58:/tmp/home/root# brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
br0 8000.ac9e177eec58 no vlan1
br1 8000.ac9e177eec58 no wl0.1
Anyone can help me to see why wireless authentication is not working with this config?