New Around Here
for quite some time, over a year now, I keep noticing WAN drops on my RT-N66U. I have been upgrading to the latest Merlin F/W and now I am running on 378.54_2. It happened today as well. LAN is fine. I can ssh to the router or other LAN machines, but WAN is inaccessible.
My WAN connection is DHCP. And when WAN disappears Router GUI is still reporting that WAN connection is fine. I would like to get some pointers on how to debug this issue.
I have asked for help once on the IRC channel and got a suggestion to check /tmp/syslog.log file. When WAN dropped today I took a look at the file and there was no log entries corresponding to the WAN drop.
Could anyone give me some advice for actions to do on the next WAN drop?
for quite some time, over a year now, I keep noticing WAN drops on my RT-N66U. I have been upgrading to the latest Merlin F/W and now I am running on 378.54_2. It happened today as well. LAN is fine. I can ssh to the router or other LAN machines, but WAN is inaccessible.
My WAN connection is DHCP. And when WAN disappears Router GUI is still reporting that WAN connection is fine. I would like to get some pointers on how to debug this issue.
I have asked for help once on the IRC channel and got a suggestion to check /tmp/syslog.log file. When WAN dropped today I took a look at the file and there was no log entries corresponding to the WAN drop.
Could anyone give me some advice for actions to do on the next WAN drop?