I have an AC68 running Johns fork and used the nvram code to increase power and open additional channels. I had an opportunity to relocate the router from the media closet in the basement to a much more central location in the house. As a result, the wifi signal is strong, I can remain connected to my network 2 houses down the street. I live on a hill, maybe that helps. Anyway, I want to reduce the power to the original levels.
Do I replace all the 114's with 106 and the 500's with 316 ?
Do I replace all the 114's with 106 and the 500's with 316 ?
# AC68U - 500 mW Output:
# Default: 106 = 25 dBm (316 mW)
# Highest setting is 120 = 28.50 dBm (708 mW)
# “wl txpwr_target_max” Shows the current output power in dBm.
# 4 = 1 dBm (1.3 mW) / 114 = 27 dBm (500 mW)
nvram set 0:maxp2ga0=114
nvram set 0:maxp2ga1=114
nvram set 0:maxp2ga2=114
nvram set 1:maxp5ga0=114,114,114,114
nvram set 1:maxp5ga1=114,114,114,114
nvram set 1:maxp5ga2=114,114,114,114
nvram set wl_TxPower=500
nvram set wl0_TxPower=500
nvram set wl1_TxPower=500
nvram commit