I tried the early alpha build ( https://www.snbforums.com/threads/p...merlin-384-6-test-builds-are-available.47385/ ) on my 68u recently. Because of the # of messages generate to syslog.log ( https://www.snbforums.com/threads/p...builds-are-available.47385/page-4#post-413909 ), I moved a syslog.log to my USB drive ( https://www.snbforums.com/threads/system-log-to-usb-disk.8217/#post-57379 ). One thing I did that is differ from the post is I moved syslog.log under /jffs instead of /tmp. As far as I can tell, it works fine until I moved back to 384.5 . Under 384.5, the syslog.log displays on the web interface is no long the one on the USB drive but the one at /tmp . Is this a configurable item?