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Ads on top of forum content...

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Too many of the same ad and one is always in the way. I suggest getting rid of the popup ad that blocks forum content.

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Yeah ... I don't mind the top-of-page ads, but these new sticky pop-ups are seriously annoying.
They are purposely placed in the right hand column, where they don't cover the main thread content. I can't control how many times a particular ad is shown, just as you can't control that on streaming platforms.

Gotta pay the bills, gentlemen.
Gotta pay the bills, gentlemen.

What's the point if people stop coming here over it. This forum is already bad enough with forum rambos and flat out know it all's. The adds over content are a deal breaker. Sorry just my opinion.
Gotta pay the bills, gentlemen.

Yes but the guys do have a point here , like it or not there are ads popping up over content, not just those in the right hand column or between posts , so it looks terrible and prevents reading of content.
Where are ads over content aside from right column?
What's the point if people stop coming here over it. This forum is already bad enough with forum rambos and flat out know it all's. The adds over content are a deal breaker. Sorry just my opinion.
I have and continue to address over-enthusiastic forum members when reported. As far as know it alls, this is the internet, after all.
Where are ads over content aside from right column?
Look at the OP's images.

An advert , sometimes very large and rectangular other times square, pops up over the right hand column and covers "Latest threads, Members " etc. has been so big it spreads out over half of the lower screen. It is not contained in the right hand column but floating over it.
floating advert.png

The orange advert is floating over the column , this can show large rectangular ads that spread half way across forum.
Where are ads over content aside from right column?
It's only on the bottom right where I've seen a problem. I think the issue may be dependent on the width of the browser window. If you reduce the width to about 1100 pixels the ads on the right side disappear, expanding the main text window. But the pop-over ad in the bottom right doesn't go away and obscures some of the text.

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Yes, It's a floating ad, not constrained/resized to fit the right column. Colin's interpretation regarding content interference is correct. The ad is closable and should not appear upon every page refresh.
They are purposely placed in the right hand column, where they don't cover the main thread content. I can't control how many times a particular ad is shown, just as you can't control that on streaming platforms.

Gotta pay the bills, gentlemen.

Would you earn less ad revenue if this ad were fixed below the forum content in the right hand column... in blank page space where it would not obstruct access to forum content?

The issue on my end is not ads... it's the tabloid-style in-your-face never-ending popup disruption to using the forum... there's not much future in it for me, not on a regular basis... I'm about done with it.

The issue on my end is not ads... it's the tabloid-style in-your-face never-ending popup disruption to using the forum... there's not much future in it for me, not on a regular basis... I'm about done with it.
I don’t know what you are referring to here.
That's not what I intended. A screenshot of what you're referring to would clarify.

Besides my OP, I'm referring to my persistent annoyance with the new popup ad, typically the same ad showing in multiple areas on the same page day-after-day, that I must repeatedly close or scroll around to access forum content. For me, it's not worth it to participate here... it's the beginning of the end. There was a time you resisted using floating popup ads; that time appears to have ended.

@OzarkEdge, is it possibly the browser you're using and/or the settings of such?
@OzarkEdge, is it possibly the browser you're using and/or the settings of such?

It's MS Edge on Win10 or Edge/Chrome on Android... anything is possible with those things morphing frequently with updates... I get tired of reviewing their intentionally obfuscated settings to find the new/changed 'features'... I've sort of given up on trying to avoid ads with 'settings' since it usually breaks something I need somewhere... now I just stop going to websites that abuse me with ads... or in this instance, I'll stop visiting regularly to help others here... I'm not going to contribute to yet another cash cow downward spiral.

Networking is fundamental and the need for peer and self support remains high... ASUSWRT/Merlin probably deserves a site of its own that serves this purpose and related concerns first and foremost... and doesn't cross the line that floating ads do.

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ASUSWRT/Merlin probably deserves a site of its own that serves this purpose and related concerns first and foremost... and doesn't cross the line that floating ads do.
Running a forum requires both time and money. SNBForums has been a great option for me for over 10 years now, and has been mutually beneficial.
I don`t see any overlapping ads here. That`s why @thiggins is asking for screenshots. It might be a layout issue where your browser resizes the right sidebar perhaps, making the ads no longer fit within their originally calculated width. Or it might be a few specific bad ads.

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