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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. C

    DDNS Update frequency increase for Asus DDNS

    TThanks so much for this recommendation I'll look into no IP Here's the option I have for how often to check on my router running Merlin the most updated version for its model which is an rt-ac68r
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    DDNS Update frequency increase for Asus DDNS

    I am experiencing a couple of DDNs issues Currently I am using the ASUS DDNS service (its free and that matters a lotto me right now) but as far as I know it is not updating daily (which is as often as I can seem to set it for on my Asus merlin router. 2 questions. 1. Is there a...
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    Using Merlin router to access public Wi-Fi and create a private Wi-Fi in an RV

    This is sounding like waht I wanted to do From the replies below it seems like this is no longer an option :( Am I right?
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    Using Merlin router to access public Wi-Fi and create a private Wi-Fi in an RV

    Yeah I'm not against using my phone but the reason I bought an RV is we lost our house because of my disability and so I can't say that I have oodles of phone data available. So thank you all for your great input and your help with this because I do think stopping occasionally in a town too...
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    Using Merlin router to access public Wi-Fi and create a private Wi-Fi in an RV

    Okay all you geniuses. It's looking like I may need to use an RV as a place to live. And I was wondering if there was a way to set up my ASUS router to access a public Wi-Fi but still create a private Wi-Fi network that's routed. I currently still have a home that I could even VPN into if that...
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    Looking to repeat this dual VPN setup on a N66u

    Thanks to you all got this great dual VPN up and running on my router But I was wondering if I can get my older n66u setup with the same functionality. I have the most up to date Merlin...
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    Ok you guys helped me through all the craziness of that last router setup and it seems to be working great apart from diversion (which for some reason seems to make my router crazy) But my real question is can I have this same dual (VPN in and out) setup on an older N66u? The firmware is as...
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    it was totally the port forwarding issue The transfer and all the settings were right my xfinity device was only pointing to my origional router not the newer one. Thanks for your time and wisdom
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    I just logged into the xfinity and found out I had port forwarded on the router My guess it that is what this whole thing could be about. I will let you know if allowing this to the new ASUS corrects things
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    These are great questions I guess it is something like a cable router (has wifi and 4 ports on the back) (see Picture) I turn off the wifi and usually set the firewall as low as it will go to avoid problems So essentially I have two asus routers connected to this xfinity router by their wan...
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    Sorry about the lack of specificity I guess I see the Client VPN as somthing other than open VPN but it is using that protocol. (and it connects and works well) The issue I was having was with the server side connecting. I am unsure what certificate could be the problem but attached is an image...
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    OK guys Got something wierd going on here. I purchased an identical router for my friend and copied all my settings over to it. The only thing I changed is the Wireless name and password and the routers IP. Now when trying to test the openVPN on their router I get a certificate error. I...
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    Thanks so much for you wisdom on this. Yeah I'd rather not slow everything down for almost no benefit. Thanks again for all your help and wisdom in this matter have a great day
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    Thank you so much for pointing that out and for all the help Things are working perfectly. You guys rock. My dreams are a reality What are your thoughts on adding TOR to this setup as well? Would it add extra ananimity or security? is it even doable with my setup? Thanks again for your wisdom
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    Thank you again for your quick reply I am trying to figure out how to change it from yess all to Policy rules Is there a walk through for this or do I need to make a new VPN connection? Thanks
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    Thanks I tried the steps above but to no avail. Am I doing what your post Suggested? Thanks again for your feedback and fast reply
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    Here is another view
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    This is my current setup and when the VPN client is turned on on my router my phone simply says waiting for server. But the second I turn it off my phone can connect to my routers VPN server
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    Dual VPN, client and server on same router

    From what I understand this is exactly what I am trying to do. HOwever I am not necessary sure how to do it. Would you have a screenshot or some sort of walk through you could share Thanks for your wisdom and quick reply