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Occasional Visitor
And thanks for a great forum. I actually thought I had an account registered here, because I've frequented the page a lot.
But I just figured once trying to post that I had in fact never closed the deal.

Like many of you, I suspect, I am too a tech nerd that loves to compare, compare and compare a little more. And code a little bit too, but that's my occupation and hobby.
Rest goes towards kids, house to renovate and that other fun stuff that makes you grow grey hairs, lovely aint it!

I hope to acquaint many of you here and looking forward to giving discussions. Networking is not my strong side, so bear with me! :)

Also, you might suspect I am an Asus Router fanboy, I might break out of the spell if you convince me hard 'nuff.

All the best
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Welcome, I would recommend adding a signature to your profile stating your router,firmware etc. The ancients of SNB enjoy this practice.

Just to note, watch out for @Tech9 he is not a Mandalorian and knows nothing of "the way"
I am an Asus Router fanboy... Networking is not my strong side

At Bletchley Park Alan Turing needed to know two German words to break Enigma.

At SNB Forums you need to know two English words to break Asus - Reboot and Reset.

You don't need to know networking @vinyl. See, @BreakingDad is doing just fine here.

Welcome, I would recommend adding a signature to your profile stating your router,firmware etc. The ancients of SNB enjoy this practice.

Just to note, watch out for @Tech9 he is not a Mandalorian and knows nothing of "the way"
Hi, and thanks! I will setup that , should do it once I receive my new addition as of a fresh purchased AX88U.
I will keep that note in mind ;)
At Bletchley Park Alan Turing needed to know two German words to break Enigma.

At SNB Forums you need to know two English words to break Asus - Reboot and Reset.

You don't need to know networking @vinyl. See, @BreakingDad is doing just fine here.

Haha alright, I will tell my network professor I quit 😁 auf wiedersehen, NEVER!

Anyway, jokes aside. I only had to reset my AC86U when I bricked it trying to setup some weird config AP with my ISP provided router.
After a week when I tried to reset all was fine again :)
The ISP provided router is going to find a place furthest back in the storage unit; This is the way😋.

Haha alright, I will tell my network professor I quit 😁 auf wiedersehen, NEVER!

Anyway, jokes aside. I only had to reset my AC86U when I bricked it trying to setup some weird config AP with my ISP provided router.
After a week when I tried to reset all was fine again :)
The ISP provided router is going to find a place furthest back in the storage unit; This is the way😋.

I knew he was Mandalorian.
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