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Ring alarm disconnecting

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I have a ring alarm system but the base station keep dropping out when on my 2.4g network and just gives me an error when i try to connect to 5g network. I contacted ring they told me it wasn’t a problem with the alarm base station but with the routers. If that is the case does anyone have an ideas what could be causing this and how to fix it?
Using a RT-AC82U with an RT-AC86U as an AI mesh node.
I'm not pretending to know what's going on specifically (I do have my suspicions but not interested in a debate :) ) but I have found with many of these "smart devices" that when I have repeated disconnect issue, creating a reserved DHCP entry for that specific MAC very often clears up the problem. YA, it can be a PITA but it's one thing that has helped me with "smart plugs" and other mass produced IOT stuff.

I don't use AIMesh as it introduced too many issues for ME. I run one main router and 7 wired APs and it's not a big deal to manage once set up.

If you have or can have your nodes connected by wire I'd drop AIMesh and just go AP mode with your routers (other than main of course). If you're AIMesh nodes are using wireless backhaul that could explain some of the connect issues.

Not saying it's right, just sharing! ;)
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I'm experiencing the same issue. Ring base randomly disconnects, switches to cellular backup,and won't reconnect until I reboot the router. After it disconnects I can see, in the system log, the base station and my doorbell connecting then within seconds disconnecting for "an unspecified reason". And repeating the process over and over. This has happened several times and Ring has replaced the base once. I have attempted to look back in the syslog to see what happened when it disconnected but the syslog appears to have restarted shortly after the disconnect. Any ideas are appreciated.

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