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Help with RPi Zero OTG on the RT-AC68U? (merlin, modprobe)

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Hardware: RT-AC68U
Firmware: Merlin, 380.59

After reading this thread, I've managed to get a Raspberry Pi Zero running via OTG. Mostly it works, however I have to call:
echo Y > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first
before rebooting to get the device to be configured correctly and show on the network. Once rebooted, the value of "old_scheme_first" resets to "N" and rebooting again fails to configure things correctly.

Is there a way I can permanently set "old_scheme_first" somewhere in the Merlin FW? I've tried modifying /etc/modprobe.conf but it's a read-only file.

I've added the line to both services-start and init-start, but it's still not configuring things correctly during a cold boot; old_scheme_first reads as N once the router is up and running.

Manually setting old_scheme_first to "Y" then rebooting allows the Pi to be configured correctly, but it's hit-and-miss.


After some playing about, my init-start script looks like this:

# Configure USB to use the old scheme first for finding the Pi-Hole
echo -n "Y" > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first

# Unbind and rebind all the USB ports, so the Pi can be found
for i in /sys/bus/pci/drivers/[uoex]hci_hcd/*:*; do
  echo "${i##*/}" > "${i%/*}/unbind"
  echo "${i##*/}" > "${i%/*}/bind"

# Replace hotplug2 rules with our own, and restart hotplug2
ln -sf /jffs/hotplug2.rules /etc/hotplug2.rules
killall hotplug2

This does work, but only after I ssh into the router and execute it manually. It does not have the desired effect when booting. Permissions are `-rwxr-xr-x`.

This code doesn't work if it's added to services-start.
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