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NAS Review, Ranker, and Finder prices update?

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Occasional Visitor
First, I can't say how much the site and forum has helped me. I've got a much better understanding of hardware.

I've been trying to figure out what unit would be right for me. As I've been reading through the great info, I've noticed the pricing being off. I started narrowing my search and when pricing a few specific units, I noticed that some models I eliminated showed up at a much lower price than listed in the finder. One unit is actually 45% of the price in the Finder!

Getting rid of a unit for price alone would be a mistake.

I know that a price-at-time-of-testing is important, but is there anything I can select to get a more current price to show up? Other than throwing all models into a shopping cart and bouncing back and forth between websites?

Sorry about that. The price shown is from the Pricegrabber data feed and is updated every night. But the process isn't perfect for many reasons that I won't bore you with.

You don't have to put products in a shopping cart. All the tools have a link where you can check price.

If you give me specific products with incorrect prices, I'll correct them.

Again, sorry for the problem.
First, I can't say how much the site and forum has helped me. I've got a much better understanding of hardware.

I've been trying to figure out what unit would be right for me. As I've been reading through the great info, I've noticed the pricing being off. I started narrowing my search and when pricing a few specific units, I noticed that some models I eliminated showed up at a much lower price than listed in the finder. One unit is actually 45% of the price in the Finder!

Getting rid of a unit for price alone would be a mistake.

I know that a price-at-time-of-testing is important, but is there anything I can select to get a more current price to show up? Other than throwing all models into a shopping cart and bouncing back and forth between websites?


I just buy from newegg.com -- long term, many purchases, good returns, fast shipping... they are a class act.
Thanks for helping. Again, I can't say how much this site has helped me to understand the 'how' rather than just knowing something is being or can be done.

I fully understand the issues with autoupdates, like price searching, when you are dependent on other entities. Here's one that seemed to be way off. But now a source shows up through PriceGrabber that is more current with other retailers.

PriceGrabber reported $4xx ($190 NCIX supplier not listed then)
Amazon $400
Newegg $245
Provantage $189

I also use Newegg most of the time. Provantage has some enticing prices for some items.
The TS-212 is fairly long in the tooth at this point. When products get to that point, pricing gets very flaky due to price feeds mixing in used products. Also the few vendors still carrying the product may charge very high prices.

Not all companies put pricing into shopping engine feeds, also. NewEgg and Amazon tend to come in and out.

Again, it's not an easy task.
Thanks for helping. Again, I can't say how much this site has helped me to understand the 'how' rather than just knowing something is being or can be done.

I fully understand the issues with autoupdates, like price searching, when you are dependent on other entities. Here's one that seemed to be way off. But now a source shows up through PriceGrabber that is more current with other retailers.

PriceGrabber reported $4xx ($190 NCIX supplier not listed then)
Amazon $400
Newegg $245
Provantage $189

I also use Newegg most of the time. Provantage has some enticing prices for some items.
Go with one of the 2013 or 2014 model year products from Synology or QNAP. Synology puts the first-year-of-production in the model number, such as DS212 meaning 2 bay, introduced in 2012.
Buy bare-drive NAS, shop for your own drives.

I avoid Amazon's vendors for all but low value items.
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