I have question about if it is a way to login to the Netgear GUI over encryption (https).
I’ve implemented SSH on my router (thanks to Kamoj) that feels great.
But dont get the logic behind Netgears implementation for GUI that is done without any layer of encryption (netgearlogin.net) . I understand that what I do is behind the network, but its no guarantee I dont some day have someone/something sniffing inside the network. And it feels like this make the other security functions as SSH obsolete in a way.
I do all my changes in the GUI and am not skilled to use commands in the ssh-console to make my changes so just stop using it is not an option for me.
I want to have the GUI on https is that possible in some way? Cant get what the problem for netgear is on this and I did double check that it’s not just my lack of knowledge that make me react. In netgears forums people with more knowledge been wanting this to be fixed for years.
Is it any do it yourself solution for this?
I use r9000
I’ve implemented SSH on my router (thanks to Kamoj) that feels great.
But dont get the logic behind Netgears implementation for GUI that is done without any layer of encryption (netgearlogin.net) . I understand that what I do is behind the network, but its no guarantee I dont some day have someone/something sniffing inside the network. And it feels like this make the other security functions as SSH obsolete in a way.
I do all my changes in the GUI and am not skilled to use commands in the ssh-console to make my changes so just stop using it is not an option for me.
I want to have the GUI on https is that possible in some way? Cant get what the problem for netgear is on this and I did double check that it’s not just my lack of knowledge that make me react. In netgears forums people with more knowledge been wanting this to be fixed for years.
Is it any do it yourself solution for this?
I use r9000