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NUT server and adding users

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Occasional Visitor
I'm trying to set up a nut server on the router. One of the things I want to do it put it on its own user, but I cannot create one since there's no adduser command in asuswrt. I saw a post on here on adding users but it was from back in 2017 and the files were located in jffs instead of the flash drive mount point.

How do I properly create a new user for nut server?
and the files were located in jffs instead of the flash drive mount point.

This is the correct way to do it. The flash storage is read-only, and the user/password database is dynamically created at boot time.
Hi Mentaluproar,
Did you manage to get your NUT server working? I have a Qnap NAS and another Synology which are on the same UPS but I cannot get them to communicate the status of the UPS to each other. I would like to be able to connect the USB cable to the router and that the 2 NAS have looked for the data on the router. I am interested in any idea.
Hi Mentaluproar,
Did you manage to get your NUT server working? I have a Qnap NAS and another Synology which are on the same UPS but I cannot get them to communicate the status of the UPS to each other. I would like to be able to connect the USB cable to the router and that the 2 NAS have looked for the data on the router. I am interested in any idea.
I can only speak for the Qnap as I don't have a Synology. Your Qnap expects its own default settings for the UPS name and the NUT username and password and they can't be changed from the GUI but only from the CLI by modifying the file /etc/config/ups/upsmon.conf on the Qnap. Qnap claims UPS master/slave interoperability support only between Qnaps which I guess helps their sales.

You have 2 solutons: 1) Manually change upsmon.conf on the Qnap to match the NUT settings on your router, however if you then make changes to the Qnap UPS settings GUI (for example from network slave to USB and back) upsmon.conf will revert back to its default settings. Not sure if it'll also do that after firmware updates, I haven't tried. 2) Change your router NUT settings to match the Qnap's, however that may not work for you since you also have a Synology in the picture which may well behave the same way as the Qnap.

Have a look and pick your poison ;)

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