Senior Member
You'll probably be fine with the R7000 set as an AP and wired to a solid router. Looking a bit more into the LRT224, SNB reviews it pretty favorably, there are a few decent Amazon/NewEgg reviews, some good, some not so good... Here's the UI demo. It does look to be decently supported (live chat, phone, email). With many SMB-type products, firmware updates are few and far between past the initial round of obvious bug-squashing, and if it doesn't work the way you're hoping at the time of purchase (running the latest firmware version), assuming it's not user error, you're usually better off replacing it with something else, rather than hoping or waiting for a fix to be pushed out. Enterprise-class stuff, different story, but then again that kind of immediate care is what you're paying for.If it were my $200+, a nice middle ground might be a Zyxel USG40(-NB variant without the security license). You can see the interface here (user: demo pass: demouser). A heavier UI (on initial load, at least) and a bit higher learning curve, but the USGs have been rock solid stable for me (*knock on wood*). Zyxel also seems to be pretty good about firmware update releases and their telephone support is usually pretty good. Overall, it's not until you really start pushing the functionality and/or throughput limits that units like these start to falter. In your case, I'd expect either to perform as well and most likely way better than your current setup.
EDIT: I don't know what the ceiling is for your budget, but another powerful option might be a Netgate APU2. A dual-core single-chip platform like many of the "high-end" consumer routers, but ready to go with pfSense, fully supported for 1 year, for $299, and an option for a 2nd year as well. If you read up on pfSense, you'll see it's approachable for novices, very customizable with different packages as well. Just another option to look into.![]()
Thanks for the reply again,
Due to the time difference, me being from the UK I had already bought the Linksys 214 VPN router when you replied to me, went for the 214 as I am not likely to ever have use for a second internet connection.
This is how I have it setup up currently;
Linksys 214 >GS108T
Linksys 214 > Netgear Nighthawk which is in AP Mode
I have noticed a few odd things in the log though so far;
upnpd[437]: Failure obtaining ip address of interface eth1
This comes up a lot
upnpd[437]: UPNP Rule is not FULL!!!
Not sure what the failure to obtain ip address is all about, I'm assuming the UPMP rule is just something that it is saying after creating an entry.