Very Senior Member
Nota Bene: This add-on is obsolete. Please use new version at:
This add-on adds information (and corrects some) on the routers "debug-page":
http://www.routerlogin.net/debug.htm (Same page as where you enable Telnet)
How to install:
#1. Logon (From your web-browser):
#2. Make a backup of current settings (Not needed, but easyily done):
#3. Enable Telnet:
Check (Set a tick in the box for) "Enable Telnet". (No apply needed)
#4. Login to the router using telnet:
The password is the same as from the normal router login page http://routerlogin.net
#5. Download the add-on:
For R7800:
For R9000:
#6. Install:
For R7800:
For R9000:
#7. Finish the installation with a reboot:
#8. To see the result, open your web-browser and again go to:
Additional functions:
You are welcome to wish for more information to be added,
or even other add-ons.
Next add-on planned to be released might be "By-pass OpenVPN for specific devices".
This "Policy based routing lite" will be fast and easy to control with original GUI!
To Voxel for all help and support he's given to many people during long time.
He is a true professional, higly intelligent, kind, humble and supportive person.
To everyone active in the forum, especially those that has commented on my add-on:
percy3, Tom_Batty, Murtaza12, farenheit, heidarren, GaselK, boby7, Philip, pege63,
Darren_H97, HowIFix, MinkyMomo, RebelShadow, W1lliam, XBryan, blundersdome, bzq2810, thiggins, vladlenas
This add-on adds information (and corrects some) on the routers "debug-page":
http://www.routerlogin.net/debug.htm (Same page as where you enable Telnet)
- This is an update of an existing add-on (See Release Note below for information).
- More information and functions are added.
- Minor bug is corrected
- Preferrable latest version of Voxel Firmware for your router, e.g.:
For R7800:
For R9000:
- A telnet client program
Hold down the Windows Key, then press the “R“ key.
The Run dialog box appears. In the Open: window, type:
pkgmgr /iu:”TelnetClient”
Click OK - Internet connection (To download the add-on installation file)
How to install:
#1. Logon (From your web-browser):
#2. Make a backup of current settings (Not needed, but easyily done):
Advanced, Administration, Backup Settings, Back Up, Save
#3. Enable Telnet:
Check (Set a tick in the box for) "Enable Telnet". (No apply needed)
#4. Login to the router using telnet:
Hold down the Windows Key, then press the “R“ key.
The Run dialog box appears. In the Open: window, type:
Click OK.
The Run dialog box appears. In the Open: window, type:
Click OK.
telnet www.routerlogin.net
#5. Download the add-on:
For R7800:
curl -k -O https://www.voxel-firmware.com/Downloads/kamoj-debug-page_181110-160001-1_ipq806x.ipk
# or:
wget --no-check-certificate https://www.voxel-firmware.com/Downloads/kamoj-debug-page_181110-160001-1_ipq806x.ipk
curl -k -O https://www.voxel-firmware.com/Downloads/kamoj-debug-page_181110-160001-1_r9000.ipk
# or:
wget --no-check-certificate https://www.voxel-firmware.com/Downloads/kamoj-debug-page_181110-160001-1_r9000.ipk
#6. Install:
For R7800:
/bin/opkg install --force-overwrite kamoj-debug-page_181110-160001-1_ipq806x.ipk
/bin/opkg install --force-overwrite kamoj-debug-page_181110-160001-1_r9000.ipk
#7. Finish the installation with a reboot:
#8. To see the result, open your web-browser and again go to:
Login to the router using telnet and issue these commands:
Login to the router using telnet and issue these commands:
/bin/opkg remove kamoj-debug-page

Content, Information headers:
- Router Information
- CPU Load Total (per core)
- Memory Usage (Used/Total)
- Flash Usage (Used/Total)
- NVRAM Usage (Used/Total)
- Network Session (Active/Total)
- CPU Governors and Frequencies
- Temperatures CPU / WiFi0 / WiFi1
- Temperatures 802.11ad Radio / Antenna
- WiFi0
- WiFi1
- 802.11ad 60 GHz
- OpenVPN Clients Available
- OpenVPN Client Name
- OpenVPN Client Status
- DNSCrypt v1 Servers
- DNSCrypt v2 Servers
- Stubby DNS Servers
- Congestion Control; Current ( Available )
- NTP synchronized
- DNS status
- Internet connection status
- Port Status
- WAN Speed (average value)
- eSATA Device
- USB Device
- System Version Information
- System Uptime
Additional functions:
- Fast time synchronization even when Netgear ntp is not working.
- Show all devices in "Attached Devices" and "Access Control" - even when idle/sleeping.
- Supervision of the WAN connection, and make Power LED amber if no connection.
You are welcome to wish for more information to be added,
or even other add-ons.
Next add-on planned to be released might be "By-pass OpenVPN for specific devices".
This "Policy based routing lite" will be fast and easy to control with original GUI!
To Voxel for all help and support he's given to many people during long time.
He is a true professional, higly intelligent, kind, humble and supportive person.
To everyone active in the forum, especially those that has commented on my add-on:
percy3, Tom_Batty, Murtaza12, farenheit, heidarren, GaselK, boby7, Philip, pege63,
Darren_H97, HowIFix, MinkyMomo, RebelShadow, W1lliam, XBryan, blundersdome, bzq2810, thiggins, vladlenas
Release Note / Changes since last release:
Previous version can be found here:
Previously installed version doesn't need to be uninstalled.
Installation of this version will upgrade to latest version.
Added Information:
Previous version can be found here:
Previously installed version doesn't need to be uninstalled.
Installation of this version will upgrade to latest version.
Added Information:
- Router Information. E.g. Serial number (percy3)
- Information about used Flash file system
- OpenVPN Client Status: Version of OpenVPN and OpenSSL
- DNSCrypt-Proxy v1 info: Version
- DNSCrypt-Proxy v2
- Stubby DNS
- CPU frequency now given in GHz/MHz/KHz. (percy3)
- Check for idle devices: added sleep 40000 us after every ip.
- Bug for R7800 giving errors about non-existing 60GHz WiFi corrected. (percy3)
- Supervision of the WAN connection, and make Power LED amber if no connection. (percy3)
- Use specified WWW for DNS-test if specified in nvram. (percy3)
- Use specified IP for internet-test if specified in nvram, "gateway" is also valid. (percy3)
- Added nvram flags flags to change/switch off certain add-on functions
- kamoj_no_ntp_check : Don't try to speed up setting correct date and time
- kamoj_no_temp_check : Don't supervise top temperature
- kamoj_no_wan_speed : Don't measure current WAN speed
- kamoj_no_add_ons : Don't run other Kamoj add-ons
- kamoj_no_show_idle : Don't try to show idle/sleeping devices
- kamoj_no_wan_pwr : Don't make Power LED amber when WAN connection is lost. (percy3)
- kamoj_ping_www : Domain name for ping. Default is www.cloudflare.com. (percy3)
- kamoj_ping_ip : IP-address or "gateway" to automatically used current gateway. Default is (percy3)
- To switch off a function, run e.g. these commands (end with "nvram commit")
nvram set kamoj_no_wan_pwr=1
nvram set kamoj_ping_www=www.google.com
nvram set kamoj_ping_ip=gateway
nvram commit
- To switch on a function again, run e.g. these commands(end with "nvram commit")
nvram unset kamoj_no_wan_pwr
nvram unset kamoj_ping_www
nvram unset kamoj_ping_ip
nvram commit
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