hmm, I did copied the config that was generated by wire guard manager on asus router to the "server" (server = other side) I did run
but I got
Line unrecognized: `Address='
Configuration parsing error
Regarding IPs, one side is
192.168.50., other
192.168.51. and third one is
192.168.52.x .... anyway third one does not come into play now, i meant - IP of the wireguard interface, but I guess i do not need to care about it on asus side and on my side, I can go with
... oh, there is something called
wg-quick, let's see ... I copied all 6 files that were generated by WGM on asus into
/etc/wireguard/ on the other peer and then run
[#] ip -4 route add dev Home
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
[#] ip link delete dev Home
I guess it should be ip -4 route add 192.168.
50.0/24 dev Home as 51 is the other side lan range
this is how i dir run site2site command
site2site Home Cabin lan=
, reading looks like it is correct, maybe when WGM is saying
Import Home.conf on remote site using 'import Home type=device' it is true if remote is another wgm, but I sould actually do
, again, it is explained in your article
If SiteB does not consist of an Asus HND router the Cabin.conf should be suitable for running with wg-quick but you might need to make device specific modifications to it to make it work.
[#] iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport %p -j ACCEPT; iptables -I INPUT -i OCI -j ACCEPT; iptables -I FORWARD -i OCI -j ACCEPT
iptables v1.8.4 (nf_tables): Port "%p" does not resolve to anything.
Maybe it makes more sense to start (again) on the non-Asus side.
# WireGuard (%p - ListenPort; %wan - WAN interface; %lan - LAN subnet; %net - IPv4 Tunnel subnet ONLY recognised by Martineau's WireGuard Manager/wg-quick2)
so maybe i should i should look into
wg-quick2? ...