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  1. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    I ended up putting Merlin on it. I think 32 users will be enough for my buddy.
  2. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    Any idea how to get more user accounts on the ASUS OVPN? Says it is limited 16 including admin.
  3. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    I figured as much now that it is using 24 and not 30 but I'm just gonna keep those IPs so I don't have to modify it via ssh again.
  4. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    I too am a Linux person but my buddy who I'm setting this up for uses Win & Android.
  5. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    I got the service working as well now. I was the receiving the error on Windows because I didn't have a username / password file to pass to pass to the ovpn service.
  6. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    So now I'm trying to run OpenVPN as a service on a Windows client so it connects before login. I followed this tutorial. The problem is on the last step. When I try to start the service I receive the following...
  7. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    I'm using OpenWrt at home so for the most part I'm just not completely familiar with the ASUS stuff yet.
  8. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    Well atm eibgrad's suggestion seems to be working. If I run into any issues I will ask my buddy if he is cool with flashing to Merlin.
  9. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    My buddy has stock on this box atm. What is CCD?
  10. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    I went with the second option and it seems to be working so far. Thanks for your help!
  11. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    Yes it seems to default to net30 with no option of changing it except maybe the custom configuration. I have changed all of my IPs in the script to multiples of 4+2. Would I add the code you suggested into the script like this? #!/bin/sh topology subnet client-to-client if [ "$username" = "echo"...
  12. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    Would Merlin 384.13_10 allow me to change from a net30 topology? I don't see anything in stock to change it.
  13. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    I'm assuming that this means that the ASUS routers implementation of OpenVPN is limited to 4 static IPs.
  14. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    Let me also ask you this. As you can see in my config I have devices assigned to,, etc. but I was reading that they should be set to multiples of 4+2 such as,, etc. The problem with that is that once the number gets so high I end up receiving this error...
  15. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    Everything in the check boxes was as seen and the PCs talk to each other but get a dynamic IP. I need to set static IPs so I created this script and when I enable it the PCs receive the static IP but can no longer talk to each other.
  16. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    The ifconfig-push is what I'm using in the script to assign static IPs for the various computer names that login. Here is my #!/bin/sh if [ "$username" = "echo" ]; then echo "ifconfig-push" >>$1 elif [ "$username" = "romeo" ]; then echo...
  17. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    I have client to client enabled in the checkbox as seen and it works as long as I don't have the custom script that assigns static IPs enabled. When I add what is in the box at the bottom to run the to assign static IPs the client to client quits working. Do I also need to add...
  18. L

    Client to client disabled when using static IP on OpenVPN ASUS RT-AC3200

    Hello, I'm configuring an ASUS RT-AC3200 router with OpenVPN built in. I followed this guide to assign static IPs to the clients and the clients connect and receive the designated IPs but client to client no longer works when this script is enabled so I'm unable to ping or communicate with other...